Hurts So Good

Hurts So Good by Jenika Snow

Book: Hurts So Good by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
wasn’t something she could do any longer. Jane knew she and Mack couldn’t be together in any other way than as friends because, well, the history between them was too rough and raw. It shouldn’t be a problem anymore, but this was reality, and not some movie or book where she could just turn the page and everything would be okay.
    “Hey, are you okay?” Celine moved to stand beside her, and the concern on her face was tangible. “You look like you’re going to throw up.” Jane sure as hell felt like it, too.
    “I’m good, just some old stuff brought back up.” The sun was already starting to set, and she looked down at the number and address once again. Her fingers itched to call him, to hear his voice because it had been so damn long since she had, but instead she mumbled something to Celine about needing to go, grabbed her purse, and headed outside. She’d have to head home first since Graison was heading back to Colton today, but she needed to change into something more comfortable. There was no doubt in her mind that the conversation she had with Mack would be a long one. Besides, she desperately needed to see him, talk to him face-to-face. Maybe calling would have been the smart thing to do, the safe thing, but Jane was sick of playing it safe, was sick of holding herself back because she was afraid. She should have never let the distance, literal and figurative, come between them, but fear was a strong, persistent bitch.
    She headed outside, got in her car, and drove to her parents’ house. There was so much she had to do: unpack her belongings in her new place, start her new position come Monday, figure out a way to let Graison know she just couldn’t be with him any longer without having it end in this big heart breaking explosion, and figure out what she was going to do about Mack. Despite all of those things being important, all she could think about was the last. She pulled into her parents’ driveway and saw Graison coming out of the house with his suitcase. The moving van was gone, and she had to assume her father and Graison had taken it back already since she unloaded the last of her things into her condo early this morning. She still had her suitcase at her parents’ place, but tomorrow she planned on unpacking things at her condo and trying to get situated. Graison stopped and waved at her. His smile was brilliant, and she felt like such a bitch over the fact that she was going to break it off with him.
    Maybe you don’t have to. Maybe you can work through it, sit down with him and tell Graison what it is you feel like you’re missing? Yeah, she could, but the end result was still the same, and her feelings wouldn’t change. But how could she end their relationship when he was heading back? This prolonging things was all Jane’s fault. She should have ended it back in Colton, but God, she still cared for him as a friend, had given two years of her life to him, and she didn’t want to hurt him any more than she was sure was inevitable.
    She opened her door and climbed out, and of course he was right there grabbing the extra things out of her arms so she didn’t have to carry them. “How was the office? Everything coming together?”
    “Yeah. Now all that is left is to open the front doors come Monday.” She smiled, and he pushed her hair off her shoulder. He leaned down and kissed her before she could stop him. It just felt awkward and wrong almost because her feelings were elsewhere. She pulled back, and this strange look crossed his face for a second before he schooled his features. They both headed up to the porch and took the steps up to the front door. “Are you leaving already?” She turned and eyed the suitcase he set by the garage. She had planned on taking him back to Colton since he drove the moving van up and left his car, but it was clear he was planning on leaving tonight. Why else would he bring his bag out?
    “Listen, I was actually just about to call you before you

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