In Embers (The Ember Series Book 3)

In Embers (The Ember Series Book 3) by Madison Daniel

Book: In Embers (The Ember Series Book 3) by Madison Daniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Daniel
our apartment startling all the girls. They all screamed, clutching one another.
    “Easy, girls…it’s only fireworks,” I announced. With a small yawn I looked over at the clock on the wall. It was midnight. New Year’s had arrived. Realizing they had no idea what I was talking about, I pointed at the flashing balls of wonder in the night sky. The room shook softly with their beautiful detonations.
    “Go to the window. They’re just fake explosions, like painting the sky with lights. They can be quite beautiful. Enjoy them while I try and figure out our next move,” I said, feeling the day’s adventure catching up with me. A vicious headache was upon me. My eyes felt heavy, and I missed my Madison Lee completely. I hoped she was safe. I hoped she was with Max.
    I closed my eyes while the thuds from outside mesmerized the young escapees. Moments later I was awoken by a curious touch. It was Number Two again, and I could hear her thoughts inside my mind.
    “I think I know how to save her.”
    I took a moment to understand what she was doing. “How?” I asked, quietly. She shook her head no, and placed a finger to her lips, instructing me to not speak out loud.
    “I know how to save Asia,” she said again, in my head.
    With my thoughts, I answered her, “All right, I’m listening.”
    “When we arrived here, as we rushed past the other apartments, I read one of the neighbors thoughts. I didn’t hear much, but I think he is a doctor,” Two said, inside my pounding brain. “I bet he could help.”
    “A doctor?” I said aloud, and she grimaced up at me. A couple of the other girls stole a quick glance back at us. I smiled back, and waved for them to turn back around. They did immediately, with a mouthful of nervous giggles.
    Softly, she spoke again in my head, “We need his help.”
    With my thoughts, I asked, “Do you remember which apartment he was in?”
    “Sorry, no.”
    “It’s okay.” I smiled at her, letting her know she had done well. With a small hug, she stood up and rejoined her sisters as the fireworks began to die down. I walked up to Asia and checked her pulse then temperature, with the back of my hand. She was starting to run a fever. I was out of time. We had two options; take her to the hospital and compromise our escape, or we bring the doctor to us. Lightning flickered in the far off distance, filling the night sky with flashing white light. From Asia’s mouth fell one word. It was labored and raspy, but it was clear.
    Who the heck was Asher ? No time for that now. I had to act fast.
    “All right, girls, Two and I will be right back,” I announced.
    Thirty minutes and five doors later, Two and I had finally found the mysterious man who might be able to help. I was at my wits end. Banging on strange doors in the early hours of the morning, in a foreign country, was not the best way to keep a low profile. We were lucky no one had called the authorities on us already. As the stranger opened his front door just enough to get a good look at us, Two wrapped her hand around mine.
    “Who’s there?” he asked, upset.
    “Hello, I am so sorry to bother you this evening…”
    “Do you understand what time it is?” he grumbled. The door began to close and I reached out as fast as I could.
    “Please. I know it’s late. We need your help. It’s an emergency.”
    “I don’t care. I don't know you, goodnight…”
    “Wait! Someone’s hurt. She may be dying,” I begged.
    “Who? Who is dying?” he asked, opening his door another inch.
    “My friend…she’s been shot…” I swallowed hard. Quickly, I looked down the hall to make sure no one else heard me. He stared at me for a long minute. “Please.”
    “Why me?” he finally asked.
    Without missing a beat, Two chimed in, “Because you’re a doctor.” He looked down at her and frowned.
    “How do you know that?”
    “There’s no time to explain…please, we need your help,” I begged again. Asia had done

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