Indirect Lines: Halle Shifters, Book 5
He’s out to lunch with Kris Jennings.”
    “Kris Jennings? The Ocelot Senator?” Kristen Jennings was a four-foot-eleven ball of fire, and Carl was secretly terrified of her. “I see.”
    “If you have no further business here, I suggest you return to Montana.” Ian tilted his head and frowned, looking confused. “Speaking of which, why haven’t you been guarding your territory, Hunter?”
    It was all Barney could do not to swear. “Carl has me working on something.” The lie rolled easily off his tongue. “I’m a Bear as well as a Hunter, after all.” Hopefully Carl would back him up when he returned, or there would be hell to pay. Lying to a Senator and supposedly ignoring his duties could land Barney’s ass in shifter jail. Hunters rarely did well there, as most of the rogues they’d captured were incarcerated in the same facility. Accidents had been known to happen on more than one occasion. It was a fate Barney had no desire to pursue. And claiming to be working under the Leo’s direction, even if it was the truth, wasn’t an option. Sebastian Lowe had instructed Barney to be as discreet as possible, and he was going to follow that order to the best of his ability. There was no way Barney wanted to face Kincade Lowe, Sebastian’s cousin and chief bodyguard. Barney had seen Kincade fight, and he was terrifying in his single-minded lethality.
    “Indeed, Senator Holmes.” Darien placed himself between Barney and the Senator, the slimmer man’s back stiff as he confronted Ian. “I was instructed to greet Hunter Barnwell and provide him whatever he wished until Carl returned.”
    Ian looked less than pleased, but nodded reluctantly. “I see. Very well then, Hunter. Just remember what I said. You’re in charge of Montana and training new Hunters. Don’t let Carl keep you from your duties for too much longer. Understood?”
    “Understood.” Barney smiled blandly. It was his intention to be permanently relocated to Halle come hell or high water. He’d retire if he had to. It was unheard of for a Hunter his age to quit, but he couldn’t imagine taking Heather away from her family and friends. He’d have to be the one to make the sacrifice.
    After he solved the riddle, of course.
    Hell, perhaps he’d persuade the Leo to allow him to train Hunters in Halle. There were enough of them there to give recruits plenty of experience working with other Hunters. He could probably get Julian DuCharme to assist as well. Having access to one of the rarer species of shifter, like a Spirit Bear, would be of immense value to future Hunters.
    Ian Holmes nodded once to Barney, eyed Derrick and Casey Lee sharply, and left without another word. Barney turned to Darien and held out his hand. “Thanks, man. I appreciate that.”
    “You’re welcome.” Darien scowled at the door. “The Lion Senator has been a thorn in my paw for months now.”
    “Oh?” Casey Lee sauntered over to Darien’s desk and leaned casually against the edge. “Do tell.”
    Darien shook his head. “I wish I could, but this is Senate business. I’m afraid it has nothing to do with you.”
    “Or me?” Barney folded his arms across his chest.
    “I’m afraid not.” Darien settled back behind his desk. “Carl should return shortly.”
    “About the letter, Darien.” Derrick took the opposite corner from Casey Lee, but unlike his partner he stood straight, his arms loose at his sides. “Did you type it?”
    Darien shook his head. “No. I told you before, I had nothing to do with this letter.”
    “Yet you agreed it’s your signature.” Casey Lee picked up a pen and twirled it between his fingers. “So how’d that happen?”
    Darien sighed. “You’re not going to intimidate me into an answer I don’t have.” He pointed to a stack of papers on his desk. “These are all of the documents I need to sign this afternoon. Carl’s stack is larger than mine. Carl decided we should sign documents on Thursdays so that orders arrive for

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