
Innocence by Elise de Sallier

Book: Innocence by Elise de Sallier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elise de Sallier
see Eleanor’s ashen expression.
    “I don’t know what you mean,” she said, looking around her. “The girl’s a servant. I merely asked to be served some pastries.”
    “Could you not see she was carrying a heavy tray? You should have waited for a footman, not put a young maid in danger.”
    Lord Cahill approached, manoeuvring his horse through the crowd. “Good God, man, you’re bleeding. What happened?”
    “Why don’t you ask your wife ?”  
    Lord Cahill looked worriedly to where Eleanor sat upon her horse, conspicuously isolated from the crowd.
    “We’ll talk later,” Nathaniel said, modifying his tone. “I need you to lead the hunt. I’ll catch up with you when I can.”
    His cousin nodded, and Nathaniel turned and strode towards the house with Lisa in his arms. After laying her on a long couch in one of the ornate sitting rooms, he let out a groan and gripped his leg. It was then she saw his breeches were torn all down his right thigh, blood trickling from a nasty-looking graze.
    “I’m so sorry.” She attempted sit up but was forced back against the cushioned couch by her throbbing head and the suddenly spinning room.
    “It’s nothing.” He knelt beside her despite his injury. “I’ve had far worse riding to hunt. It’s you I’m worried about. I have to go, I’m afraid,” he added with obvious reluctance. “But I’m leaving you in good hands.”
      Swallowing against the lump in her throat, Lisa raised a hand to where he gently cupped her cheek. He gripped her fingers briefly, then stood and turned to face the waiting staff.  
    “Henson, fetch Mrs Donaldson to care for Lisa and Dr. Caruthers if she deems it necessary. I’d best go change if I’m to catch up with the hunt.”
    “As you wish.” Mr Henson nodded before adding, “Are you sure you shouldn’t wait to see Dr. Caruthers yourself, my lord, and have him look at your leg?”
    Nathaniel shook his head. “Jenkins can wrap it. Better to keep moving than let it seize.” Pausing at the door, he looked back to where Lisa lay.
    “Make sure she’s well cared for. I’ll check in later today.”
    “Very well, my lord.”  
    Nathaniel left the room, and the butler turned to her with a sigh. “You’ve had an eventful morning, young lass. Let’s get you to the servants’ quarters before you get any more blood on his Grace’s nice brocade.”
    The rest of the morning passed in a blur of fussing and gentle scolding, though all agreed it was easier said than done to ignore a direct order from the likes of Lady Cahill, even when the order was blatantly inappropriate.
    Fortunately the cut on her head was not deep, but the bump that accompanied it gave Lisa a sizable headache. Once she was cleaned up and bandaged by the competent Mrs Harrison, one of the cooks who had a knack with herbal tonics, Mrs Donaldson insisted Lisa rest on a narrow cot in a room that led off the kitchen.  
    “Where I can keep an eye on you,” she explained.
    Lisa slept fitfully the rest of the day, happy to keep a cool cloth over her eyes and even willingly sipping the bitter-tasting brew Mrs Harrison prepared to ease her aching head. To her frustration, she slept through Nathaniel’s visit when he came to check on her after the hunt. When she finally awoke, Ruth was sitting in a chair beside her.
    “Lord Marsden’s orders, as he didn’t want you left alone,” she explained, her tone awed. “I ’eard he just about stripped the ’ide off Lady Cahill for ’er folly. Then he told Lord Cahill if he didn’t pull his wife into line, he’d do it for ’im!”
    “Truly?” Lisa sat up, relieved when the room remained stationary.  
    “Aye, ’onest to goodness.” Ruth nodded and rubbed Lisa’s cold hands between her much warmer ones. “I just ’ope it means Lady Cahill will leave ye alone now. I can’t imagine she’ll be wanting another tongue-lashing, especially not in front of some of the most important toffs in the country.”
    “No, I

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