Irresistible Magic
polite,” Mom admonished.
    “I thought you didn’t approve of David.” Hadn’t she just laid into him for his life choices?
    “It’s not my call that matters.”
    “What does that mean?”
    She shrugged. “Just that he’s trying to help us both and you were rude. You might want to apologize.”
    Yeah, that wasn’t happening. I turned and headed toward the door, then paused and glanced back. “Talisen is waiting. Tell David to send for me before you leave.”
    Mom nodded and her eyes narrowed as if she was trying to figure something out.
    I chose to ignore the look and had one foot out the door when she called, “Wil?”
    “I love you.”
    The frustration coiled in my depths started to fade. She’d made a mistake and paid the ultimate price. She didn’t need me to punish her further. “I love you, too, Mom. It’s really good to see you.”

Chapter 5

    When I slipped back through the hidden door we’d used to head upstairs, the bar was full of patrons waiting for the adjoining restaurant. Talisen wasn’t at our table. I glanced around and didn’t see him anywhere. Perfect. I’d lost my date and Link. Scowling, I headed to the front entrance, scanning as I went.
    Curious stares followed me, more than I usually attracted, and I had the distinct impression I was being watched. Unease quickly took over my irritation and a tremor ran through my wings. There weren’t many faeries in New Orleans. Humans knew about the fae, as well as witches, and vampires of course. We weren’t some secret, hidden race or anything. It was just that we spent most of our time near forests, where we thrived. Not in the concrete confines of the city.
    With my senses on high alert, I did my best to appear casual and stopped at the entrance of the bar, scanning both the lobby and the restaurant entrance. No Talisen and no Link. Damn them both. Where had they gone? I couldn’t go outside to look for them. I’d be too exposed.
    I pulled my phone out of my small purse, tapped a message to Tal, and waited. And waited. And waited some more.
    “Excuse me,” a quiet, masculine voice said from behind me.
    I jumped, and my wings fluttered, lifting me a few inches off the ground. I spun in the air and tilted my head to take in the human who had to be a few inches shy of seven feet.
    His onyx eyes crinkled with humor. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”
    I forced myself to land and took a step back. “Can I help you?”
    A deep chuckle escaped his lips. “Not yet.”
    I raised my eyebrows in slight irritation and gave him a tight smile. “If you’ll excuse me.” I turned to retreat back into the bar, but he grabbed my wrist. The move wasn’t so much aggressive as it was a request. His touch was light and I could’ve easily slipped from his grasp. Instead, I stared for a moment at his fingers circled around me and then met his eyes. “You’re entirely too familiar for a person I’ve never met before.”
    He released my hand instantly and backed away, holding both of his hands up. “My apologies, Ms. Rhoswen. Mr. Allcot sent me to escort you to your party.”
    “Allcot?” That got my attention. I studied him, taking in his dark skin; slightly-too-long, wavy black hair; the outline of bulging muscles hidden under his open sports coat, and realized I’d seen him with Tal right before David had taken me to see my mother.
    My phone, still in my hand from earlier, buzzed and I read the screen. It was from Allcot himself. I’ve sent Harrison to retrieve you. Do not be difficult.
    The nerve! Do not be difficult? What an ass. I eyed the man beside me. “What’s your name?”
    “Harrison.” He wrapped an arm around me and leaned down to whisper, “I’m going to escort you upstairs, but we’ll want the person watching you to think we’re an item.”
    So my instincts were correct. Someone had been watching me.
    He cast me an appreciative glance. “With that dress and your creamy white skin, no one will have

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