mists just a yard or so inside. Karen would close the door behind us.
    “Be careful,” Sarah said.
    “Later,” I replied and we entered the mists.
    * * * *
    As we walked, I held Kaosium’s arm and I could feel the world changing around us. I believe I had even less discomfort than he, it was frankly exhilarating. As we continued on, I instinctively let my fae nature take over, my eyes turned from a normal green to a deep jade, and my hair grew six inches in a matter of seconds. My ears became pointy and my eyes narrowed a bit. Probably a combination of being a shifter, as well as a fae, I thought, pretending I was not surprised at all about the changes I was going through. Kaosium could see some of this as we hit a few gaps in the mists, but he was focused on our path. I was noting the way for future reference. A shifter has a very good sense of direction, even in Faerie.
    As we approached our destination, two double doors with the Summer Courts royal seal in the middle flanked by two guards armed with fae swords, Kaosium told me the plan.
    “I will make your introduction to the Queen,” he said. “All guests approach the Queen as they arrive. I have a date waiting for me, so unfortunately you will be unescorted after that but looking as you do, I don’t think it will be difficult for you to find an escort. I will let the Queen know of your needs. When I finish, simply say, ‘I so petition.’ She will either answer you now or shelve your petition for later consideration. Whatever her answer, do not protest, or your life will be forfeit.”
    “I understand,” I replied.
    The doors opened and we entered the court. Straight ahead of us was the Queen and her entourage, she alone sat while the others stood. A pathway for guests arriving led straight to the raised dais where she was seated. There were a few guests ahead of us, I believe we were on time or maybe even a few minutes early but the room was already pretty crowded, On one side of the path, tables of food and drink. On the other, a floor for dancing with musicians already warming up in the corner. It was a huge place, many chairs and smaller tables lined the walls. Trees and flowers were growing through the floor in several places, making my shifter side happy as well.
    It was our turn. I saw the Queen looking at me as we approached, trying to place me, not succeeding.
    “Kaosium at your service my Queen,” Kaosium said and bowed. “This is Smith,” he continued. “She is a member of the paranormal division of the southern Capitol’s police force and would like to petition you for an audience. She hopes your knowledge and expertise will aid them in their quest to solve the murders and kidnappings taking place in Winston.” He glanced at me.
    “I so petition,” I said.
    I could tell the Queen was very interested. “Are you a member of Summer or Winter Courts?” she asked.
    “Neither,” I said. “I reside on the other side of the divide.”
    “What is your lineage?” she continued. I had to be careful in my response. I could not lie in Faerie, there was too much fae blood in me to even try it.
    “I do not know who my parents are,” I replied, which was a truth.
    I could see her thinking. “I will consider your petition,” she said. “I will approach you with my answer when I have decided. In the meantime, please mingle with our other guests and enjoy your time in Faerie, it is my guess that you may have a relative or two among the inner court.”
    She had given me a compliment, a hint as to being pleased with my appearance. I was pleased, as well. “Thank you, my Queen,” I replied and we moved to the side to make room for the other guests who had arrived behind us.
    “Have fun,” Kaosium said, looking towards a little fae beauty staring at us with a slight scowl on her lips. “Try not to get yourself killed,” he added, walking away.

Chapter Ten
    I looked around the great hall and noticed a group of men gathered around some swords

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