Known to Evil
Christian or Sam, and know from me that I will not have them, or anyone else, call you. I will pay you personally."
    He reached for his pocket again and I held up a hand.
    "That won't be necessary," I said.
    "This is like any other transaction between us. A favor, that's all."
    "That's it, then," he said.
    "You don't have anything else to say?"
    "I don't want you talking to her, Leonid. Whatever you do should happen in the background of her life. Find out what's wrong and fix it. If that proves too difficult, come to me."
    "You wanted me to make contact with her last night. Why the change?"
    "I didn't want her to know what you did or that you worked for me. And . . . and this murder makes things even more difficult. I want her to experience as little trauma as possible."
    I didn't like it but his tone left no room for complaints.
    "Anything you'll need is in here," he said, tapping the briefcase with the middle finger of his left hand.
    "Was the man who killed Wanda Soa after Tara?"
    "I honestly don't know. As I said, Tara disappeared three weeks ago--she only showed up at this Soa's apartment yesterday . . . maybe the day before."
    "What's your relationship with the girl?"
    "There is none."
    I tried to come up with some kind of question that would have opened up a further dialogue but there were no words I could think of.
    "So that's all?" I asked.
    He nodded.
    We both stood. I came around the desk to see him to the door and received my fourth or fifth shock of the day: Alphonse Rinaldo held out a hand to me.
    "Thank you," he said.
    I had to bite my lower lip not to repeat the words.

    I WATCHED HIM WALK down the long aisle of empty cubicles, waiting until he exited through the brown metal door. At least he didn't hesitate and turn to see if I was there--at least that.

    W hen a boxer's game plan is shot he has to come up with something new on the fly. The classic boxer turns into a brawler, the habitually offensive fighter goes into his shell.
    I'm not a passive man by nature. Don't get me wrong--I have been devious and underhanded from time to time. Often, when I was still working for what seemed like half of the New York underworld, I'd taken down people who never even saw my face. But as a rule I'm usually more than willing to take on any job, or opponent, head-to-head.
    I gave up my dirty tricks with the intention of doing the right thing in my business and my life. But that never changed my brawling style--a style that I knew instinctively would not see me to the end of this period in my life.
    So I refrained from opening Rinaldo's briefcase right away. Instead I sat there, allowing the details of the past twenty-four hours to filter through my mind without feeling pressed by the need to impose my will on them.
    I had learned a thing or two. For instance, I now knew for a rock-solid fact that I loved Aura Antoinette Ullman. Seeing her kissing George Toller made me lose control--something I never did.
    That was a detail I could put to bed. It didn't matter if she came back to me or not--I'd still have that wild love inside me.
    I smiled a real smile and then laughed a little. Small victories are sometimes the hardest earned.
    I turned the briefcase around so that the front latches were facing me. But still I held back.
    Twill, my excellent son, had put Dimitri on the phone and then left so that I couldn't question him further. That meant he was hiding something. Twill didn't have the little secrets of most adolescents. He wasn't smoking marijuana in the basement laundry room or worried about a girlfriend's missed period. Whatever he was concealing needed to be exposed before the two young men who shared my name, if not my blood, got too deeply into whatever mess they'd created.
    And so another detail fell into place.
    I called Gordo's cell phone but a voicemail recording in his raspy words just said, "Leave a message," and provided a span to do that in.
    "I hear you got the sniffles, G-man," I said. "Call me if

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