Love in the Mist (MacKay's)

Love in the Mist (MacKay's) by S.R. Roddy

Book: Love in the Mist (MacKay's) by S.R. Roddy Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.R. Roddy
pill. She
gained an uncomfortable insight into the reality of the women who make these
choices every day. She had to face yet one more truth about herself, she
foolishly hoped that he left something of himself behind for her to hold onto.
    Ian’s arms
wrapped around her protectively and it just felt somehow wrong for him to touch
her. She jerked out of his grasp immediately. The look of hurt she saw in his
eyes made her feel guilty, but she just wanted to go home and wallow in self
pity for a long while. “I’m sorry sweetheart… god Tasha… please don’t cry.” She
was crying? How odd she felt so numb, just this black void of nothingness.
    As Tasha
looked in his eyes she could only think of how the color was wrong… they should
be green. “Please… take me home. I… I just want to go home.”
    Just like that
Malcolm was there ignoring all of Ian’s many objections. In the end he said
only three words. “She wants this…“ Just like that Ian quieted instantly. She
knew she must have missed something important in all this mess, but honestly
she was too emotionally exhausted to care. The last thing she saw before letting
the darkness take her was Malcolm locking her front door as he left.

the Author:
    S.R. Roddy is
a mother of five living in Texas with her husband and teenage children. From a
young age she discovered a deep love for books especially anything to do with
history or mythology. Not surprisingly, as she grew into adulthood that has
morphed slightly leaning more towards paranormal and historical romances. Since
her teenage years she has dreamt of writing her own stories to share with the
world. Thanks to the encouragement of her family she is at the beginning of
what she hopes to be a long journey in sharing those stories.

Other titles by S.R.
Halloween Surprise

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