Lucky Girl (New Adult Rock Star Romance)

Lucky Girl (New Adult Rock Star Romance) by Emme Rollins

Book: Lucky Girl (New Adult Rock Star Romance) by Emme Rollins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emme Rollins
and Dale had marching orders from his new record company—he had to go whenever and wherever they said. I hated it—but I knew, he hated it even more. Dale wasn’t used to being bossed around.
    And all the while, he had to keep me a secret.
    “It’s almost ours.” Dale kissed my finger, pressing his lips to the first ring he’d given me. “If we can hold on just a little longer, it will all be ours.”
    “What will be ours?” I watched as he slid that ring off, slowly sliding the other one on.
    “Everything.” Then he kissed that ring too. It was surprisingly heavy.
    “I told you, I don’t want everything.” I held my hand out for the other ring and he gave it to me. I slipped it onto the ring finger of my right hand. “I just want you.”
    “Here?” He grinned, standing up and tossing the now empty Tiffany ring box aside, a wide grin spreading over his face. “Now?”
    “Dale!” I warned, taking a step back, but I was too late. He pounced, pinning me to the bed. The weight of our bodies made the down under the coverlet rise up and Skittles flew everywhere. I heard them plinking on the night table beside us, saw some fly past the lamp, and felt more of them under my back.
    “The Skittles!” I lamented. ”You forgot about the Skittles.”
    “I didn’t forget.” Dale grinned. “Some day I’ll be on tour and I’ll send a list to the hotel of all the things I want. Skittles will be on the list—but just the red ones.”
    “You’d make some poor lackey separate out the red ones for you?”
    “ That’s what rock stars are supposed to do.” He picked up one of the Skittles on the mattress, popping it into his mouth and chewing. He pressed one to my lips and I accepted it, chewing thoughtfully.
    “You’re gonna regret this when you’re on your way to the bathroom and you step on a bunch of Skittles.” I stuck my tongue out at him.
    “I regret nothing.” He leaned over and kissed me softly. “Now, let’s get you out of this dress. Roll over.”
    I laughed but complied, rolling over onto my belly. There were Skittles right there in front of me so I licked a few of them, letting them stick to my tongue so I could draw them into my mouth while Dale unzipped me. He pulled the fabric off my shoulders as I wiggled my way out of the satin like a very unsexy inchworm.
    “Okay, now these things.” Dale frowned, plucking at the stretchy nylon of my pantyhose. “Weird. They’re like something out of a science fiction movie, I swear.”
    I giggled. “They’re ruined anyway. Look at the feet.”
    “What were you doing, walking on hot coals?” he exclaimed.
    “Running from rabid fans, remember?” I reached down, hooking a finger in one of the gaping holes and pulling. The material ripped and Dale’s eyes lit up.
    “My turn.” He grabbed the nylon in two hands and pulled. It ripped all the way up to my inner thigh. “Wow! Nice!”
    Then he did the other leg, so they were completely wrecked.
    “I don’t know why, but that’s sexy.” He ran his hands up my bare legs. The sensation of his soft palms and his rough fingers—calloused from years of playing guitar—caressing me sent sweet waves of pleasure through me. Dale touched me like he was playing music, listening to notes only he could hear as he kneaded my flesh in his hands. I bit my lip and whimpered, wiggling on the bed.
    “What am I going to wear tomorrow?” I wondered as Dale rolled the elastic top of the pantyhose down, stripping me of them completely. Now I was in just panties and my bra.
    “I’ll buy you something.” He kissed one knee, then the other. “I missed your knees.”
    “My knees?”
    “Both of them.” He flicked his tongue around my kneecap and down to the bend in my leg, making me moan. “See? You love that. I love that you love that.”
    “I love that you know I love that.” I ran a hand through his hair, soft as raven’s wings.
    “I love that I know that you… wait…”
    I laughed, reaching for him.

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