Lying Eyes

Lying Eyes by Toni Noel

Book: Lying Eyes by Toni Noel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toni Noel
Tags: Serial Killers, Cops
Carlo's gaze follow the slow, circular notion of Marsha's hand.
    As the chatting foursome exited the elevator and headed for their rooms he whispered, "Cool it, ladies. A few guests on this floor might be trying to sleep."
    Party pooper.
    He insisted the women wait in the hall while he did a room check before allowing Allison to enter hers.
    Then she and Marsha said good night to Susan. Marsha followed Allison inside while Carlo disappeared into his room.
    He returned with her new roommate's luggage. "Is this everything?"
    "Susan offered to deliver my cosmetic case and—"
    "That must be her at the door. I'll let her in." He did the peephole check, intercepted Marsha's belongings at the partially opened door and shoved them at her with a gruff, "If you ladies will excuse me, I'm going to secure Allison's door and call it a night."
    He flipped her lock with more force than she thought necessary and murmured, "Eating might be all you've done, but I've spent those endless hours trying to make sure Allison survives long enough to make both of her presentations."
    He wedged the protection rod beneath her door handle and stomped into his room.
    "Who put a bee in his boxers?" Marsha glumly asked.
    "Unless I miss my guess, the realization two ladies are preparing to undress in an adjoining room," Allison whispered with a delighted grin.
    Marsha's eye grew round. "You know what? You're good for Carlo. You have him pulling out and examining feelings he's kept to himself for far too long."
    Allison filed that comment, too, not yet ready to put faith in Marsha's assessment of Carlo's current mind set.
    In the meantime, I can hope.
    W eary to the bones, Carlo straightened the covers, expecting to quickly fall asleep.
    Hours passed before he heaved a frustrated sigh and flopped onto his back.
    Long hours of forced alertness and unwanted but ever present sexual tension had him strung tight as a base drum.
    Every time I close my eyes I see Allison's bewitching smile.
    No wonder he couldn't sleep.
    How could one exasperating woman pack so much sensual allure into such a slim package? Her dainty hands and shiny crimson nails drew his eyes like magnets.
    No way am I ever going to fall asleep, not after thinking about the feel of Allison's long nails scoring my back.
    He couldn't remember ever desiring a woman the way he did Allison.
    It must be the close quarters we're forced to share.
    He'd bet his next day off she was fully aware his gaze often followed her mince away. The hypnotic sway of her hips always increased exponentially, like waves against the banks of a landlocked lake.
    No matter where she went the reporter attracted attention.
    Damn tease.
    But was she? Or was Allison totally unaware of her innate sexuality?
    Her awareness doesn't count. I have enough unwelcome awareness of her for both of us.
    Painful awareness.
    Turning on his side, Carlo punched his pillow and closed his eyes.
    The image of Allison stretched out on the bed beside him, her sensual curves revealed for his taking, brought him upright and muttering words unfit for her innocent ears.
    Dollars to donuts the woman driving me to distraction next door is sleeping soundly, an innocent smile on her pretty face.

Chapter Seven
    D reaming of new ways to melt Carlo's uptight reserve, Allison grew warm. Too warm.
    She woke murmuring, "Darn mule-headed cop," and yanked off her now-damp sleep shirt. Tossing it aside, she promptly fell back asleep.
    Her room was still dark when her cell phone vibrated, ending her hope of more sleep. In one smooth motion she lifted her cell off the bedside table and pressed it to her ear. "Allison," she whispered.
    "Morning, sleepy head."
    Carlo sounded delighted he'd awakened her. "Drop dead."
    "Not until I get your schedule for today."
    "Arrggg," she growled. "Hold on."
    "No rush."
    "Apparently there is, or you wouldn't have called before sunrise. There. I just sent it to your phone."
    "Efficient, aren't

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