Magnolia Blossoms
see my wound.
    “It’s not funny,” I snap defensively.
    “I’m sorry. You have to know that I try like hell to remain professional when it comes to medicine, but Mags, darling, it’s very hard to do that with you.”
    “Are you saying that I’m the only accident-prone person you’ve ever encountered in your however many years of being a medic?”
    “No way. Far from it. Let’s just say that you’re the most memorable.”
    “Really? I’m memorable? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
    “I’m not sure,” he says, nodding his head towards the sofa. “I’m thinking it’s bad for you, since you generally wind up injured. The doctors did great job replacing your teeth and such.”
    “Yeah, Big Daddy is still bitching about that bill,” I reply, taking a seat.
    He looks thoughtful for a moment. “Your parents, they’re pretty… I mean your mom teaches nude art lessons, and your dad is famous for his court theatrics. I’d imagine that life gets pretty hard for you sometimes. Almost like they overshadow your existence, right?”
    At first I’m relieved because someone actually understands where I’m coming from, but then I feel embarrassed. Who wants to admit that she’s nothing, a complete nobody, in the eyes of everyone—including her parents?
    “They’re eccentric, but I know they love me,” I answer, hoping he’ll change the subject.
    “I’m sure they do,” he replies with a nod. “Is it okay if I raise your shirt to get a look at your abdomen?”
    Lying back on the sofa, I agree. His fingers grip the hem of my turtleneck, slowly pulling it higher and higher until it rests just below my breasts. I’m instantly covered in goose bumps.
    “Cold?” he asks, sitting beside me on the sofa. I nod, though these goose bumps don’t have a damned thing to do with temperature. I try to keep my breathing calm and steady as his fingers trace the abrasion that mars the milky skin of my upper abdomen. “Any pain?”
    “No, nothing serious. Just sore,” I finally get out. He closes one eye and gives me a look that says, Are you sure? I nod.
    “Okay. If anything changes, make sure you get checked out,” he says, pulling my shirt back down.
    “I will. Thank you,” I say, rising to my feet. “Can I get you something to eat or drink?” I ask, desperate to come up with a reason to get him to stay a little longer.
    “No thanks, I’m good. I need to find that missing cylinder. Lee should be here shortly, and he’ll take care of that tractor situation.”
    I follow Jace to his truck. “Thanks for everything,” I say as he opens the door to climb in.
    “No problem. Hey, do me a favor, Mags. Make sure you’re completely healed before partaking in your next adventure, okay? And please, don’t let that adventure be skydiving,” he chides.
    I playfully roll my eyes since arching my eyebrows is out of the question. “Consider it done,” I say, closing his door for him. Pain instantaneously travels from my finger, up my arm, to my brain, which tells me to yowl. Tears well in my eyes. “My finger! Oh, my God! My finger’s caught in the door!”
    He throws it open, knocking me in the forehead with the window frame in the process. I collapse to the ground. “Fuck! Magnolia. I’m so sorry.” He’s anxiously assessing the damage. “Don’t move.”
    He pulls a medic bag from his truck, and after tearing a couple of gauze squares from their packages, he plants them in my hand and tells me to hold them tightly against my forehead. That’s when I realize I’m bleeding. Good thing I’m already on the ground. I don’t even manage a single word before I faint.

    Chapter Six
    A cool breeze is blowing on my face, and my body feels as though it’s gently swaying from side to side. I want to be on my pretend deserted island with Jace, but instead, I’m lying in a small rowboat with my head resting in his lap. His only clothing is a tattered pair of pants, while I’m scantily clad in a homemade

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