Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1) by Nicolette Scarletti

Book: Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1) by Nicolette Scarletti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicolette Scarletti
    At the same time she felt her sister’s wisdom was wasted, that the cancer that was eating her little sage from the inside out was to blame. Chantelle wished there was a way to take the disease on herself and leave Emma whole again. But wishes were only meant to come true in fairy tales. That’s where the happily ever after’s are; not in real life. There was no prince charming charging in on a snow white steed to sweep you off your feet. She didn’t care what her stupid Academy books had said about two halves of the same whole. Really, she would believe it when she saw it.
    Chantelle felt her mood darken at the injustice of it all. Why did life have to take her only bright spot from her? Emma was too upbeat to realize just how important the doctor’s appointment they had tomorrow was.
    All the stupid stories Chantelle had filled her head with when she was younger had her thinking that prayers were answered. That good always triumphed over evil. That good deeds always went unpunished; when in fact sometimes they didn’t.
    Quickly she put on a brave smile not wanting to bring Emma down. “Go on upstairs and wash up. Lunch is almost ready.”
    She hopped off the counter and gave Chantelle a quick kiss on her way out. Once again Chantelle was left alone with her thoughts. She tried to push away her worry about tomorrow, but all that did was bringing forth thoughts of her dreams.
    As if he were right in front of her, his jade eyes filled her field of vision and her heart lurched painfully. Instinctively her soul reached for him, as if it knew he was the missing half she had been searching for.
    She felt his breath ghost over her ear as he whispered to her.  “Fear not little one. I am watching over you both.”
    Chantelle had to shake herself. It felt like he was right there with her; beside her, comforting her. It worried Chantelle deeply that a made up man could affect her this way. Maybe everyone was right? Maybe she did need to get out more. Maybe even date a few guys her own age. But her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach at the thought and her eyes welled up with tears. Her soul was telling her that to do such a thing was to betray her destined mate; a man who only ever sought her out in dreams. A man that Chantelle was sure was more fantasy than reality.

Chapter 7:
    As Loki entered his father’s study he braced himself for a rebuke that was sure to be coming. They had been down this road so many times before, that he could recite this lecture word for word. Thor would incite him and Loki would stand up for himself, causing his father to punish him in some way. But what else could he do? His brother was forever bullying him and their all seeing father always turned a blind eye to it.
    He watched with weary eyes as his father sat behind his massive elm desk. Odin looked tired when his grey eye fell on his youngest. It seemed that Loki wasn’t the only one feeling the loss of his mother.
    “Please, Loki sit.” He gestured toward the chair before his desk.
    Gracefully he folded himself into the red winged-back, waiting on his father. Steepling his fingers under his chin, Loki took in his father’s haggard appearance. Nothing got past his sharp jade eyes; all was not well with the warrior king. There was no spark in his all seeing eye. As a matter of fact, he hadn’t even yelled at him as loud as he normally did.
    “What troubles you, father?”
    Knowing his father, he was going to have to hear how he should get along with Thor. How brothers shouldn’t fight each other; but for each other. It was utter rubbish if you asked him. Yet no one ever did.
    Odin would never have given this lecture to Thor. Oh no! He was a warrior so being short tempered was acceptable. But Loki was a thinker, the one that should know better. It sickened him how untouchable the golden child was.
    “This has nothing to do with how you goad Thor?”
    Loki rolled his green eyes skyward, in supplication to God. Really, did

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