Montana Morning

Montana Morning by Sharon Flesch

Book: Montana Morning by Sharon Flesch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Flesch
took in the scenery around them; he
wished he was.  He had tried to prepare her, but could she adapt to the
rugged life here?  The ranch house certainly didn’t compare to the nice,
modern house she had in town.  The summit was coming up and he slowed down
to pull into the turnout.
    “Would you like to
stretch your legs?” he asked, as he turned off the engine.  He wanted to
show her the home place and today was clear.  They would be able to see
the buildings and meadows.
    “Sounds good,
Chester probably needs to take a walk,” she said, getting out and opening the
back door.  Chester was out and bounding through the snow banks, as Jack
took her arm and led her to the edge of the turnout. 
    “If you look to
the north, over the top of that lodge-pole pine,” he pointed, “you can see the
ranch house and buildings from here.”
    Adrianna found
herself looking over the most gorgeous, high mountain meadows she’d ever
seen.  “Oh, Jack, it’s just beautiful.”  She spoke so softly he
almost didn’t hear her.  “Now I understand the love I hear in your voice
every time you talk about this place.”
    “You obviously
haven’t heard me talk during calving time,” he grinned.  “Come to think of
it, I’ll have to watch my language, or you’ll be washing my mouth out with
    Adrianna studied
him for a moment then laughed.  “Somehow I can’t imagine getting that job
done easily.” 
    Jack snickered
under his breath and then turned serious.  “Speaking of things not easily
done, I hope I’ve prepared you for Pops.  He misses Mom like crazy and he
isn’t one bit fond of my bringing another woman into her house.”
    She looked over
the valley below and sighed, “You’ve warned me, and I’ll just have to walk
softly for a while.”  She looked at the new world before her and knew it
would demand all her courage and strength.  This was a beautiful but
rugged land.  Slowly a feeling of peace and assurance flowed over
her.  God was here with her; she could feel his presence and everything
was going to be just fine. 
    Jack saw the
transformation.  A minute ago, she’d seemed frightened and alone. 
Now she turned to face him, smiling and under control.
    “Time to go,
Woman, if we want to get home for lunch,” he said as he helped Chester back
into the truck.  He gave some thought to what she’d said and added, “When
you deal with Pops, its okay to walk softly, but carry a big stick
    “I can do that,”
she replied.
    “You’d better, or
he’ll run right over you,” he grinned and wondered if perhaps Pops would meet
his match in Adrianna Banks.
    The trip down the
mountain road to the ranch was steep and swift.  In no time they arrived
at the private road leading to the ranch house and surrounding fields. 
Jack had spent the time answering her questions regarding operations and
day-to-day schedules, which he explained all went on hold when calving began in
late March.  As they pulled into the yard, she could see Will Kilbourne
standing on the back porch.  Andy was heading for the barn and waved hello
before he disappeared.
here.”  Jack turned in the seat to face Adrianna.  “Are you ready?”
    “Jack, he can’t be
that bad,” she assured him, “besides I have my stick in hand.”
    Will watched them
coming up the walk laughing like a couple of kids. “Good Grief.”  He swore under his breath. “What next?” He would put on his
‘Sunday go-to-meetin’ smile, to be polite, but he could tell right now she
wasn’t the right person for the job.
    Jack showed her
into the kitchen and while helping her with her coat introduced her. 
“Pops, I’d like you to meet Adrianna Banks.” He watched as his dad gave her a
disapproving once over.  “Adrianna, meet Will Kilbourne.  He’s only
about half as ornery as he acts,” he added winking at her.
    Adrianna shook his
hand, noticing the half-hearted smile Will gave her.  “I’m pleased to

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