My Obsession

My Obsession by Cassie Ryan

Book: My Obsession by Cassie Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Ryan
answered in the same light tone she’d used.
    “I’m surprised you don’t have the Doms fighting for reservations.” She braced her palms more comfortably against the glass.
    “They keep themselves pretty busy, and there are lots of places within Club Desire to play.”
    He clenched his fingers against showing her the scene forming inside his mind. He would have her widen her stance, then rip off her skirt and begin teaching her what pleasure she could experience at his hands.
    He clenched his jaw. He knew he should continue to fight his overwhelming attraction to her. Even though there were no guidelines against him interacting with any member who agreed, Sandra hadn’t yet laid out her soft or hard limits, or even given her permission. He was a stickler with everyone else about having both of those in place before anyone played together, so he needed to try to discipline himself, at least until those were set.
    Added to that, she was still recovering from a traumatic D/s relationship, and without knowing more, he could unwittingly make that worse.
    A knock from behind him slammed his common sense back into place, at least for the moment.
    Brent opened the door and gestured the server inside.
    The man set the large tray filled with food and drinks on the end table next to the sectional, as was Brent’s usual preference. Then at Brent’s nod, the man left, quietly pulling the door closed behind him.
    At the sound of Sandra’s stomach rumbling, Brent turned to find her looking at him.
    He bit back the question that formed on his tongue—which hunger would she like fulfilled first? He was having enough trouble avoiding temptation without inviting it directly.
    “That looks amazing.” She gestured toward the tray, making Brent smile. “How did you order all of that with only a few words?”
    Brent motioned for her to sit on the sectional. “I come to this alcove often and usually order a selection of finger foods and various drinks to enjoy while I watch.”
    She dropped her gaze as she took a breath to speak, making him think she was trying to hide her deeper thoughts from him. “I’m sure your subs appreciate that—”
    Her words cut off abruptly and she sat down hard on the end of the sectional nearest the tray of food, but she still wouldn’t meet his gaze.
    The urge to mark her as his roared, and he battled it back. “I’ve rarely brought anyone here. I usually use this place to rest and recharge.”
    Finally she raised her gaze to his, her expression inscrutable. “I’m sorry—that wasn’t any of my business. My mouth does tend to get me into trouble.”
    And the things Brent could do with that mouth…
    He resisted the urge to tell her exactly what he would do with it. Instead, he pulled an armchair closer to the end table so the tray rested between then. “I see no problem at all with someone who speaks her mind openly and honestly. In fact I prefer it.” Brent remembered many years where he’d held his tongue for fear of censure, teasing, or outright bullying. He swore when he’d reinvented himself that he would never do that again, or require it of anyone else.
    “What would you think of us eating while we talk…and watch?” He glanced toward the glass and the scene below before turning back to watch her chew her bottom lip as she considered.
    Finally she raised her chin, her confidence slowly returning before his eyes. “That’s the best idea I’ve heard in at least the last hour.”
    Her self-deprecating laugh made him frown. “You need to take better care of yourself. Why didn’t you eat before you came tonight?”
    Color blossomed in her cheeks and she visibly swallowed before trying to speak. “To be honest, I lost track of the time trying to make sure I was dressed well enough, and was brave enough, to come here.”
    He nodded but felt his frown deepen. “From now on, you take care of your body’s needs as a priority. Understand?”
    Her brow furrowed briefly and he realized

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