Native Affairs

Native Affairs by Doreen Owens Malek

Book: Native Affairs by Doreen Owens Malek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Doreen Owens Malek
down the hall when Paula’s voice stopped her.
    Cindy looked over her shoulder.
    “I didn’t mean to discourage you about Drew. Good luck with him. Really. Somebody’s bound to get through to him sooner or later, and maybe it will be you.”
    Cindy nodded slowly and then went on her way to bed.
    * * * *
    On Monday, Cindy saw the department chairman at Gulf Coast University, who gave her the preliminary information she needed. He also gave her a pass to use the reference room in the library, where she spent the rest of the week, immersed in the extensive folklore section. But despite Cindy’s best efforts to keep busy the wait for the weekend was interminable. She kept wondering where Drew was and what he was doing, if he were safe. It was ridiculous, because he’d been courting danger long before he met her and had managed to survive, but she couldn’t dismiss the nagging feeling that he might be in trouble.
    Saturday finally arrived. Cindy was up early, unable to sleep, and was making coffee in the kitchen when the doorbell rang at seven-fifteen. Yawning, Cindy wondered who might be calling at that hour, but when there was no response from Paula’s room she shuffled to the door in her nightgown and slippers.
    Drew was standing in the hall, rumpled and weary in jeans, boots, and a wrinkled navy T-shirt. He looked about to pass out on his feet, and he was the most beautiful sight Cindy had ever seen.
    “Hello, princess,” he said, his voice low and husky. He opened his arms.
    Without a second thought, Cindy rushed into them.
    He caught her to him and lifted her off her feet, swinging her in a half circle. With her arms around his neck and her eyes closed, Cindy drank in his presence like a heady draught.
    “You feel wonderful,” he murmured, his big hands caressing her body through the thin material of her gown. “I missed you.”
    “I missed you, too,” she whispered, reaching up to touch his hair, her head still pressed to his shoulder. “I’m sorry I’m not dressed, I didn’t expect you so early.”
    He laughed, withdrawing slightly to look down into her face. “I would have been earlier still, but I didn’t think Paula would appreciate a visitor at three o’clock in the morning.”
    He ran his finger along the bridge of her nose. “I’ve been sitting in the truck across the street since then, and I fell asleep.” He bent to kiss her forehead. “I should have gone back home to clean up but I couldn’t wait to see you.”
    Paula emerged from her bedroom, shrugging into her robe. She paused when she saw Drew.
    “I thought I heard voices,” she said. “Hi, Drew. Have you taken over the morning paper route?”
    He grinned at Paula, and even though it was directed at her Cindy could feel the force of his charm.
    “Sorry, short stuff. I just wanted to see your roommate. Didn’t mean to wake you.”
    ‘‘Well, this is touching, I must say,” Paula observed dryly. “Care to stay for breakfast?”
    “No, got to get home and change.” He looked at Cindy. “I’ll be back for you around nine, would that be okay?”
    “Fine,” she said, watching him move toward the door.
    “So long, Paula.” His voice dropped an octave. “See you later, princess.” The door shut behind him and he was gone.
    The silence lengthened as the sound of his footsteps faded down the corridor. The percolator steamed as it finished the coffee, and Paula helped herself to a cup of it before she said quietly, “He’s quite taken with you, isn’t he?”
    “I hope so.”
    Paula sipped thoughtfully. “I originally thought that this was sort of a one-sided thing. I thought you were fascinated with Drew because he seemed to embody those traits you find so attractive in his culture. But it’s more, isn’t it?” She shook her head. “I’ve never seen him look so...smitten. And showing up here, at this hour, just to talk to you…” She let the sentence trail off and then cleared her throat.

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