Needing You

Needing You by T. Renee Fike

Book: Needing You by T. Renee Fike Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Renee Fike
the door so I get up to answer and the pizza is here, thank God. I go to pay the delivery guy, but Tucker beats me to it while taking the pizza to the kitchen.
    “Thanks but I could have paid,” I say.
    “You could have, but I did. Let’s eat” he says.
    I get out plates and pour us each a drink and we head back into the living room.  I turn on the television and put on SportsCenter, because that’s what men watch right?  I figure he will be happy watching this as we eat.
    We make a little small talk, but more so, eat in silence while watching television.  Once we are done, I clean up our dishes, take them to the kitchen to throw them out and put the left over pizza in the refrigerator and go back in and have a seat.
    “Look Harp, I didn’t mean to offend or upset you with my earlier comment and I’m sorry if I did that.  I know you aren’t a one-night stand type of girl and I’m not asking you for that. I want to get to know you,” he says in a serious tone
    I just stare at him dumbstruck.  Sometimes what he says surprises me. “I’m sorry I overreacted and I shouldn’t have.  You have done nothing to make it seem like you want those things from me and I am sorry.”
    “Okay we’re good then, so when do we get to hang out again?” he asks excitedly
    I start laughing, man he wastes no time. “Umm whenever I guess, I work weekends at PowerTrip and I have classes Monday through Friday, but I get out earlier on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s.”
    “Hmm,” he says, “how about we grab lunch tomorrow because you need to eat?”
    “I have class till twelve but then my next one is not until 1:30 p.m., if you want to meet somewhere,” I say.
    “Okay then, I will meet you after your class and we can head over to the café down the street,” he says.
    “Sound’s good.”
    Tucker ends up leaving and it is crazy because it’s already 8:30 p.m.  I have hung out with Tucker all freaking day long and it felt pretty great.  I haven’t hung out with anyone like that in such a long time, that I forgot how refreshing it feels to actually have friends.  Not that we are great friends or anything, but we are friends.
    I decide to read more of my book and then I drift off into a blissful slumber.
    Yes I know what I did was wrong, but damn if it didn’t feel great to hang out with someone who doesn’t ask questions.  I told her I know she’s not a one-night stand type of girl and unfortunately she’s not, but I respect that.  She’s different.  I’m not sure what it is about her, but there’s something that just keeps pulling me towards her.
    Damn, I thought about kissing her when I was leaving tonight, but cannot go there with her.  She might try to cut my damn balls off if I tried that shit.
    I never pursue girls, because what’s the point, when they usually come willing with no expectations.  Yeah there have been a few where I had to chase them for a week or two, but that’s about all I do; but with Harper it would take a lot longer than that to get anywhere near her.
    I was surprised when she didn’t ask the normal bullshit people ask when trying to get to know someone; you know the family bullshit.  Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t bother to ask her either, but it seemed like a topic that neither one of us wanted to go near. I’m just curious as to what her reasons are.  I know my reasons, but I’m fucked up for a reason. Harper’s not fucked up, not like me anyway.
    Harp’s a good girl, she’s sweet, sexy, and just has this look to her that shows she doesn’t need anyone, which for some reason makes me want to take care of her and watch out for her. 
    I know I fucked up a lot of shit here with people, but you can’t always trust the people you think you can and in turn, you end up not trusting anyone.  There are few people here that I trust anymore.  There’s no point in doing what I do, I fuck girls and go on my way.  I don’t make promises because I don’t plan to

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