
Oblivion by Adrianne Lemke

Book: Oblivion by Adrianne Lemke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianne Lemke
Tags: BluA
man? Doesn’t that happen to everyone at some
    Blinking back
sudden tears, I finally met Hannah’s gaze. “Kindred was discovered. He can’t
help Jason, and he said I am their only hope of escape.”
    The assassin tried
to hide his intention of escaping on his own, but I could tell he wouldn’t
remain a prisoner long. How he would manage, I had no idea, but I didn’t doubt
he would. But his doubt about rescuing my brother remained strong.
    I didn’t want to
share everything Kindred had said. Telling my friends—no, my family—that I
caused Jason to lose his memory…it was going to be hard. “There’s something I
need to tell you, but I can only say it once. We should go back to the house.”
    Hannah furrowed
her eyebrows and frowned, but stood to follow me. Our walk back to the house
was over all too quickly, and before I knew it we were in a sitting room with
Alice and Mark. Tessa was busying herself with prepping our rooms, and my three
companions looked at me expectantly.
    I didn’t want to
look at them, so I sat in a chair and leaned forward, folding my hands in my
lap and staring at the floor. “There are a few things I haven’t told you guys,”
I began. “One of those things is that my ability sometimes makes it hard for me
to tell which emotions are truly mine.”
    Unsure how to
continue, I took a breath and pushed through. “I manipulated Hunter’s emotions,
and then I played with Jason’s. And I enjoy the power I hold over what people
feel. Enjoyed,” I added quickly, realizing my slip-up.
    Based on the waves
of concern floating over me from all three of my friends, I was less than
successful. “I don’t know how to say this,” I admitted. “Jason is the most
important person in my life,” my voice was adamant. “I would never do anything
to intentionally harm him—”
    Alice interrupted.
“Are you saying you unintentionally harmed him?” she asked warily.
    “According to
Jeremiah… yes,” I confessed. “I recently wished that Jason wouldn’t have to go
through any more pain, and that he could forget about what he’s been through. I
want him to be able to live a happy life. I had no idea…” my voice cracked and
I covered my face as I suddenly broke down.
    Hannah was there
almost instantly, grabbing me into a fierce hug. “You wanted to protect him,
the way he has always protected you. Nothing you did is unforgivable.”
    “I’m not so sure,”
I sobbed. “Hannah, he doesn’t remember anything! I made my brother forget all
of us!”
    No one spoke for
the time it took me to gather myself again. Still sniffling a bit I gave a
sardonic laugh. “Kindred wouldn’t be happy. He told me not to be the ‘sniveling
little brother’ this time.”
    There was an
obvious attempt to hide the anger all of my companions felt at the remark, but
it is true. “He’s right,” I told them. “If I’m going to help them, I need to
set ‘Sam’ aside and become ‘Oblivion’.”
    This time Mark
spoke before the others could, “‘Oblivion’? Since when are you called that?”
    “Since I caused my
brother to forget everything he ever knew,” I answered. “Kindred started it,
but honestly, it kind of fits.”
    “ If you did what he thinks you did,”
Hannah argued. “Jason was beat up, and he was in a car accident. Isn’t it
possible he has some kind of trauma-based amnesia? Why do you assume Kindred is
telling the truth?”
    They all seemed
curious, and again I was less than thrilled to give an answer. I loved them for
trying to exonerate me, but I couldn’t shirk the blame.
    “I can sense
emotions,” I stated matter-of-factly. All three stared at me blankly, and I
sighed. “Kindred was being sincere. You could be right, Hannah, but Kindred
honestly believes I am the cause.”
    So do I . The sheer power thrills me. The lack of control terrifies
me. Now I understand Jason’s fear of himself every time his power breaks free.
I could always tell he was afraid of himself.

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