Omniscient Leaps

Omniscient Leaps by Kimberly Slivinski

Book: Omniscient Leaps by Kimberly Slivinski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Slivinski
he met my eyes before I said another word. “I’m not that young, Luke. I’ll be eighteen in a few months and I’m sure that women in your time were already married with babies. I hate to tell you, but times have definitely changed.”
    “I know that,” he said, leaning back against the rock. “I read all kinds of books in my spare time. My library has a plethora of literature and reference reading from all periods in time.”
    “So you just read when you have free time?” I asked. A sadness tugged at my heart as I thought about his solitary daily life. I didn’t mind some alone time, but the amount of time he spent isolated was inconceivable. “Do you have anyone to talk to? Are there other shepherds like you?”
    “There are, but I don’t see them. The only interaction I have is with my leapers.” I wasn’t good at hiding my emotions and he immediately took notice. He brushed his hand down my cheek and I closed my eyes so I could savor the sensation. I felt like I was glowing. “I took a vow to serve God years ago and that’s what I’m doing. I don’t regret it and I rarely feel like I am alone.” When I opened my eyes again, I realized he was staring at me. “I have to admit that I do like these dreams though. I enjoy your company.”
    “And I yours,” I giggled. “So your other leapers are not social bugs then?”
    “Yes and no. They are from different cultures, lifestyles and speak different languages,” he explained. “I—”
    “Wait,” I interrupted. “You speak several languages?” He nodded. “I guess I should have known that considering you only read in your spare time. You really don’t have a television or a computer?”
    Luke chortled. “I know what they are, but I wouldn’t say I am living in a realm that would connect with technology.”
    “Oh right,” I said, feeling foolish. “I guess that makes sense… considering you don’t age. How about your other leapers? You’ve never spent time with them outside of your safe realm?”
    “This would be a first, Kara, and this isn’t exactly like the real world now, is it?” This time I found myself nodding. “Anyway, after my leapers get the hang of their abilities they are set free. I try never to form a bond with any of them and I guess it’s easier that way.”
    “Wait a minute,” I said with my chest tightening. I felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me. “You mean you won’t always be here for me? With me?”
    He shook his head and his face seemed to be reflecting the same disappointment I was feeling inside. “It’s different with everyone, but I always send them on their own when they are ready.”
    “Well then consider me never ready, Luke,” I cried. “I don’t want to do this on my own.”
    He brushed my hair back from my face as I held back the tears. I hadn’t felt this comfortable, this content, with anyone in my life and he was going to go away eventually. It would be like a death. “Kara, you don’t need to concern yourself with this right now. You are just getting started. You just need to focus on your tasks and we will worry about the rest when it’s time.”
    I sucked in a sob. “I haven’t had any more flashes. Maybe God’s rethinking this?”
    “I think He’s just giving you a chance to adjust to the idea of everything first. Everyone needs a little time,” Luke assured me. “Most people don’t take to it as well as you do. You’re doing great.”
    “Yeah, well I am going to try to suck at it from now on,” I sniffed. I knew I was being ridiculous, but I was feeling a little angry with God for bringing Luke into my life only to take him away again.
    “You know you can’t hide things from Him,” Luke whispered. “Besides, I can already tell you are a fast learner. I bet you are at the top of your class in school.”
    “That’s just because I’m a bookworm and I’m not involved in anything extracurricular.”
    “Well then, that’s something we have in common I

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