Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6)

Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) by Julia Mills

Book: Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
into the lair. “Where you at, Bro?”
    “Just turning in.” He glanced at his watch. “What’s up? I’m not late, yet.”
    “Just making sure you didn’t get…caught up.” He heard the smile in his brethren’s voice and thought about giving him shit, but decided he was in just too good of a mood.
    “Oh, I wanted to, but tonight is too important.”
    “So everything’s cool with Charlie?”
    “Everything’s cool,” Aaron chuckled. “And tell Sam thanks.”
    Lance laughed, “Guess you knew she was listening in?”
    “I figured as much. It’s all good. I’m pulling in now. See you at the meeting.”
    “See ya there, and Aar?”
    “’Bout time you manned up.” His laughter rang through their link.
    Aaron chuckled , “Yeah, yeah, yeah, bite me.”
    Almost three hours later, eight dragons, six werepanthers, and one white witch headed to the park just behind the clearing that led to the mountain where Rian was sure the traitor was hiding out. They had been in constant communication with the four Guardsmen that stayed behind. Surges of dragon magic, with an undertone of black magic, let them know the traitor was close by but being careful not to disclose his exact location.
    Kyra was along to provide magical cover and to scry for the little prick. Aaron had laughed when Royce had pulled her to the side, trying to convince her to stay behind. He watched the little witch twist her mate around her little finger and get exactly what she wanted. Aaron knew beyond any doubt that Charlie would do the same thing to him. A few weeks ago that knowledge would’ve pissed him off, but after spending time with her it only reassured him that the Universe knew what She was doing.
    Parking the SUVs on the far side of the park, the Guardsmen and their allies made their way to the picnic tables where the others waited. Rayne spread out a map and began giving instructions.
    “Devon, Aidan, Kellan, and Lennox have narrowed it down to the far side of the mountain. Max and his werepanthers will take the trails closest to the lake in animal form. Devon and Kellan both have cuffs and chains that Kyra magically reinforced to keep the little shit bound. Royce, Rory, and Lennox will be in dragon form on the three largest ledges. Because of their dark color, coupled with our shielding, they should remain unseen. Everyone else take a trail. Find the little asshole.”
    Aaron had to laugh; it was one of the shortest speeches his Commander had given in the last eighty years. Rayne was a highly respected leader among all dragon kin, but brevity was not one of his strong suits. There’d been times over the years when Aaron had prayed for the man to shut the hell up, but had always listened and learned from Rayne’s vast expertise. His short speech meant something was up…something he’d have to look into later.
    Jogging ahead, he caught up to Aidan, Rian, and Kyra. The twins had the blood connection to the traitor. Rian’s dragon magic was incredibly powerful and allowed the leader of the Blue Thunder Clan to track damn near anything, anywhere, any time. But Kyra was their ace in the hole. One of the most powerful white witches in the world, the daughter to the Grand Priestess, and fully mated to the oldest on the Force; there wasn’t a spell she couldn’t work. The four of them, combined with the power of the lake would enable them to scry for Andrew, as well as track even the smallest amount of magic he may use.
    When they reached the lake, Kyra began to sprinkle salt in a circle from a large burlap bag, while directing the others, “Aaron, will you get a fire started in the middle? Rian, fill the brass urn with water from the lake, and Aidan, I need the bags in my backpack set at the four corners, if you please?”
    She winked and began chanting. From her grin, Aaron knew she was having fun, no matter the severity of the situation. He wished he could say the same. The longer it took to get the hunt started, the

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