P.I. I Love You (Miss Demeanor Suspense Series Book 1)
stopped beside River.
    “Please don’t upset her again,” the nurse said.
    “It wasn’t her fault. Please go,” Mrs. Darnell said firmly.
    “I’m terribly sorry you saw me in such a state. Seems the sins of our past have come to be heard. Please sit.” She patted the spot beside her.
    “There’s no need for you to disrupt those six girls’ lives. You see, I couldn’t bring myself to do what my daughter asked. Trudy’s baby girl was her daughter, and my granddaughter. The baby did get legally adopted. There were only four people who knew the truth—me, my husband, a dear friend who deeply wanted a child and was unable to carry her own to term, and her husband. Tami is a brilliant school teacher and she lives in Cellar Glen.”
    River’s jaw dropped. She shook her head as if trying to clear away stars.
    “You know where Tami lives?”
    “I know where she lives, who she’s dating, what her favorite color is, and her deepest thoughts. Her father died over a year ago. Her mother, my friend, is dying of pancreatic cancer. Tami knows me as her mother’s best friend. I never told Trudy. In the beginning, I knew if I did, she’d take the baby away, and have an agency place her. As the years went by, I thought if I told Trudy, she would hate me, never trust me again.”
    This time there were no tears. She appeared to have cried them all out and left behind was her stark heartbreak and regret.
    “Wait a minute. You mean to tell me Trudy never ran into your friend and her daughter?” River said. The puzzlement she felt must’ve shown on her face.
    “I’m sorry. I’m usually much better at explaining. My girlfriend, Tami’s adopted mom, and I became friends while my husband and I lived in San Francisco. Tami and her parents lived on the other side of the city. Tami was the Dean of Business at one of the universities. Her Mom became weaker and weaker, and Tami drove back and forth every day, from the university to her Mom’s. She wanted to move her Mom away from the city. I suggested they move here and my girlfriend agreed. Tami knows she’s adopted. Her parents chose to tell her the truth early on.”
    “This is more than I could’ve hoped. Now that I know where Tami lives, after her mom has a chance to explain her story, I can return and speak to her about meeting her sister and brother.
    “Let me call Tami’s mom and see how she’s feeling. Would you mind stepping out for a few minutes?” Mrs. Darnell asked.
    “How’s your friend feeling?” River asked, as she walked back into the library.
    “She sounds weak and tired, but she doesn’t want to put this off any longer. I think she’s afraid she’ll die and not get the chance to explain everything to Tami. She told me she’d talk to Tami this weekend. Would you mind if I keep this letter?”
    “It’s a copy I made for you. Did you tell her about the current situation?”
    “Yes, I did. I also told her about the letter. She would like a copy when she broaches the subject with her daughter. I gave her your name and number and asked them to contact you or me.”
    “A wise idea. I will be sure to keep you in the loop. Thank you for telling me this. When the time comes, I believe it would be easier on Blake and Garnet for you to be the one to tell them who their sister is. Tell them the same story you told me. It’s important for them to know every detail.”
    Mrs. Darnell reached out and took one of River’s hands.
    “Thank you so much for coming out today. I feel a great burden has lifted off me. It will be difficult to explain all this to my grandchildren, but I believe you are correct.”

    Twilight fell by the time River left Mrs. Darnell’s home. She headed out of town, turned the music on, and absently hummed along as her brain clicked into overdrive. You never could tell how complicated or difficult a case would be to solve. She’d thought it would be months, maybe more until she discovered the identity of the Baxters’ half-sister.

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