Protecting Their Child

Protecting Their Child by Angi Morgan

Book: Protecting Their Child by Angi Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angi Morgan
trying to figure out how to get out. Serna threw back his head, laughing. The heavy wood swung shut on its own accord.
    Serna sauntered toward him. “So cool. Never acting afraid.”
    He stood in his corner, forcing his expression to remain the same. He shifted his weight closer to his weapon, itching to take it and shoot the scum dead. But he was a necessary evil to finish his plan. He’d dealt with middlemen while Serna had been in jail. Things had gone easier after Serna had gone to jail and vowed to kill McCrea. On a personal level, he only wanted the Ranger out of the way so Kate would be gone, too.
    Dealing with this mad dog in front of him had grown tiresome fast. Mad dog? Yes. Continuously high on a cocktail of drugs, consistently popping more pills. It was amazing Serna had ever accomplished any type of workable drug smuggling across the border. And nothing on the scale of what they were attempting.
    “Do I have a reason to fear you?” he asked more coolly than he’d thought. The sweat under his arms and the line gathering to trickle down his spine physically showed the truth.
    “My friend...”
    I’m not your friend.
    “Things have been going good, yes?”
    “I’m not complaining.”
    “Did you know about the little—” he pursed his lips together and shrugged “—shortage I was told about last week?”
    “No shortage. You were told where the drugs are. We thought it better not to go in so close to your hearing.” It was also part of the plan. “We’ll move it with the rest.”
    “Then why not continue our arrangement? So much time and energy wasted finding a new route.”
    “You know why, friend. The DEA is getting too close for horseshoes and grenades.”
    “They haven’t discovered us in four years’ time.” Serna’s eyes were dilated and when he faced the early-morning sunlight, he pulled his mirrored shades to his nose. “What makes you so certain that they’re getting...closer.”
    The drug addict patted his shoulder in a demeaning way, fingering the grip of the gun at his waist. Trying to command the situation. Serna had no idea he’d been used in this carefully constructed relationship.
    When the DEA found the cave—and they would find the cave—the gang would take the fall. A means to an end to restore his financial stability. An end he’d wanted for many years.
    I’m a small pawn in the overall picture and Feds will love to give me immunity for what I know about your organization. Serna, you are so screwed.
    He wanted to shout the truth. Wanted to bark it back at this doper just what kind of a mistake he’d made forcing him into this situation. He kept his voice low and calm, saying, “Let’s get this shipment taken care of and worry about the rest later.”
    It was dangerously close to the time hands would begin showing up for work. Should Serna be reminded he didn’t want to be seen here by anyone? Five more minutes and he’d have to tell—or ask—him to leave.
    “I agree, amigo . But first, we take care of our runaway couple. Edward!” Serna faced the door, waiting on one of the men to reenter the room. “This is exhausting for me.”
    “You need something, Boss?” The youngest, who’d dared to speak earlier, kept one foot out of the room.
    “Time to get moving.” Serna spoke more Spanish, lower, loud enough only for Edward to hear, nod and leave. “McCrea will be found and dealt with. You’re certain they’ll head across the mountains?”
    “Everyone knows David’s at his son’s place. If they need help, that leaves the friendly neighboring Burke ranch. We wouldn’t be looking for them if your guys had taken them out at the shack.”
    The look of hatred on Serna’s face accentuated the prominent lines of droopy skin, the yellowish tint of his eyes. He wasn’t healthy, but of course, he was a drug addict of the worse sort. The question wasn’t his physical health...just his mental. Was he stable enough to finish?
    “Do not piss me off, amigo. ”

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