Pure Innocence
always start with your left, automatically. It shows it’s the
dominant one.”
    Oliver blinked. Was there anything this man
didn’t notice?
    “ I also know you lied to
the nurse.”
    A red wave of shame washed over Oliver. He
knew exactly what Damon was referring to.
    “ I understand why.” He
stood closer. “If it doesn’t happen naturally, we will sort it out.
I’m not letting you become sick. But—” Damon stared at him. “You
don’t ever lie to me. That’s also on your responsibility list.” He
turned to the door as they both heard footsteps. “So, three things.
Get better, no worrying, and no lying.” Damon strode to the door
just as the nurse came back. “I’m going to bring the car
    Damon almost felt like whistling, which was
ridiculous because he was pretty sure he hadn’t done that since he
was about eight. He drove carefully, making sure he didn’t take any
tight corners, mindful that Oliver hadn’t got the use of his hands
to keep his balance with. He pressed the pad on the dash that would
lift the gate to the underground garage, and noticed Oliver’s eyes
had gotten wider. Damon chuckled. He wasn’t ashamed of his nice
apartment. He’d worked damn hard and for a very long time to make
sure his finances were secure.
    He pulled into his marked bay and got out.
“Wait.” He issued the instruction without thinking. He pulled the
two bags he had from the car, and pressed the call button for the
elevator at the same time. He opened the car door to be met by
Oliver’s wan face with two huge eyes staring at him. “Oliver, what
have I told you?”
    The worry immediately left them, and he got
a shy smile instead. Damon put his arms around Oliver’s back and
Oliver rocked twice until he got sufficient momentum with Damon’s
arms at his back to stand up. They had practiced this in the
hospital. When Oliver was high enough up, he could stand on his
own, but the car seat was low and it made him clumsy. Damon got
them in the elevator with little fuss. Damon kept a supportive hand
at Oliver’s back as they rode up.
    “ Are you hungry?” Damon
checked his watch, he had to be. Damon had also been given a list
of other warning signs to look out for with Oliver by Dr. DeSouza.
Apparently eating disorders were a thing to be aware of as
    Oliver tipped his head up at him. “I could
eat a little.”
    Damon grinned and couldn’t resist a palm to
Oliver’s face. Oliver smiled happily, and Damon was once more
struck with how beautiful he was.
    Damon guided Oliver into the apartment, and
enjoyed watching his jaw drop when they passed the kitchen and
continued to the lounge. Oliver’s feet took him straight to the end
wall, which was completely made of glass. “It’s stunning.”
    “ Yes, yes it is,” but Damon
wasn’t looking at the view. Something in Damon’s voice must have
given him away, because Oliver turned quickly and caught the way
Damon was taking him in. Pink stained his cheeks, he lowered his
    Good, thought Damon. It didn’t hurt for
Oliver to know Damon thought he was attractive. “Let’s get you
    Oliver nodded happily, and followed Damon
into the bedroom. “There’s a small bathroom by the door, and a
cubby hole I like to call an office. There’s two bedrooms, and each
have their own bathroom.” He continued back to the kitchen and
started pulling out some bread and a plastic container. “I have
someone who shops and cleans for me, but this is her homemade
tomato soup.” Damon grinned. “It’s awesome.”
    Oliver sat on one of the chairs across from
the chrome and smoked glass table. “Can I—”
    Damon glanced up from where he was cutting
the bread just in time to see Oliver’s face flame, and his eyes
fill. He dropped the knife and in two strides, he was stood next to
him. “What is it? What do you need?”
    “ I-I.” Oliver heaved in a
lungful of air and his shoulders shook. “I was going to offer to
help, but I

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