Recipe for Love (Entangled Select Suspense)

Recipe for Love (Entangled Select Suspense) by Dyann Love Barr

Book: Recipe for Love (Entangled Select Suspense) by Dyann Love Barr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dyann Love Barr
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Entangled, Select Suspense
month wrestling under the sheets hit her squarely between the eyes. A hot stab of jealousy lodged in the region of her heart. Tilly blinked to rid herself of the vision. The blonde could have Jordan and his snarky mouth, sexy smile, and impossible good looks.
    An equally attractive man sat next to her. “A cup of coffee would hit the spot.”
    “Good. My team knows where to find me if something important comes up.” He helped her to her feet.
    Normally, the walk from the bench to the restaurant should’ve taken only a couple of minutes, but reporters and convention goers stopped their progress along the way. Questions bombarded them, one after another.
    “Tilly, did you see the body?”
    “Have you caught the killer?”
    “Why did the killer mutilate Maxwell Ethridge?”
    She didn’t have time to answer the questions before some jostled closer, holding out cookbooks for her autograph.
    They finally made it through the restaurant doors, but a few brave souls tried to rush past the hostess desk to get a glimpse of her with the detective. Phone cameras clicked like cicadas after sunset.
    Jericho pulled out his phone and scowled. “This is Jericho. I need a couple of uniforms at the Terrace Grill, ASAP.” His easy going smile faded as he held up his badge. “Step back.”
    A moment of panic hit her, but was quickly dispelled by his arm slipping around her and pulling her close. The sight of the uniformed officers dispersing the crowd helped to calm her increasing alarm. She usually loved meeting people, but this had a darker edge, hungrier, vicious in its demand for the fresh meat of gossip.
    “Have someone from hotel security relieve you ASAP. I don’t want to see any loiterers or reporters hanging around.”
    She breathed easier once they were inside and the door closed behind them.
    “Ms. Danes, you don’t know what an honor this is. I’m such a fan.” The maître d’ pulled out her chair. Detective Jericho sat without ceremony.
    “Anything you want is on the house.” The maître d’ hesitated for a moment before handing her a menu. “Normally, I wouldn’t ask this of a guest, but would you sign my menu?”
    The detective’s frown looked as if he were about to tell the maître d’ to take a hike.
    She gave him a little shake of her head to stop him from running interference. She didn’t have the heart to deny the thin, middle-aged man—especially after he’d whisked them to safety. “I’d be delighted.” The maître d’ handed her a Sharpie along with the menu. “What’s your name?”
    “David.” He looked about ready to burst with excitement. “I hoped I’d get a chance to meet you.”
    “To David, my hero.” She handed the signed menu and gave it back. “I mean it.”
    David smiled and she swore if he were a puppy, he’d be peeing on the floor. “I’ll send a server in immediately.”
    “We’re just having coffee.” The detective gave David a look that said scram. “I take mine black.”
    “Just bring a cow along with my cup and I’ll be fine.” She leaned back in her chair with a sigh of relief.
    David gave a nervous titter at her joke, but his eyes darted in the detective’s direction.
    “Really, I like a lot of coffee in my cream.”
    “Consider it done. Your server will be here shortly.” He left the room as if the devil had bit him on the butt.
    Self-consciousness overwhelmed her the instant the glass paneled doors slid shut. The room, the man, the sexual vibes bouncing off the walls made her giddy and close to following the maître d’ out the door.
    She rubbed the tattoo on the side of her neck. Jake4Ever. Her body did a little jig while her mind tried to pull her back to reality. The last time a man had made her feel this way so quickly, had been a total disaster. Being a wild child and mother at fifteen had left her with too many scars to trust her judgment when it came to men.
    Maybe she was reading too much into the situation. Her imagination and libido were

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