Revive (The Revival Series Book 1)

Revive (The Revival Series Book 1) by Claire Thake

Book: Revive (The Revival Series Book 1) by Claire Thake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Thake
tough few days emotionally for her and dragging up things wasn’t helping.
    Lacey reached out and put her hand over Carrie’s and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
    “I can’t say I understand what you went through. I would not wish anyone to go through what happened, but you can’t stop living Carrie. It’s not what Ian would have wanted you to do, you know that right?” Lacey, knew she was pushing her luck with Carrie. This conversation would either do some good or force Carrie to run again, she was hoping for the first one.
    “I just…I just” trying to hold back the tears Carrie put her hands over her face and took more deep breaths
    “Mia sweetie, can you go and find Daddy and ask him to get you ready for bed” Mia looked at her mother and pulled a face
    “Now please Mia, don’t make me get cross”
    Mia huffed and grabbed her ponies, before stomping off to find Jason.
    “I loved him so much Lacey, I should have been the one to go not him” Not able to hold it in any longer the tears began to flow, and Carrie cried so hard her whole body shook. Lacey threw her arms around her and held her tight.
    “Oh Carrie” Lacey said smoothing Carrie’s hair with her hand.
    Carrie’s mum Anne appeared at the doorway, and her heart broke to see her daughter in such a state. It may have been over 2 years but it was obvious Carrie still felt the same as she did the day she found out Ian hadn’t survived the crash.
    “I’m glad you decided to stay a few more days” Anne slipped on her coat and observed Carrie, who was putting on a pair of boots Lacey had lent her, which were much more suitable for the country than her heels and pumps were.
    “Me too mum but I really won’t be able to stay much longer. Its lovely spending time with you all but my job won’t stand still for me” Carrie had used her job as an excuse so many times now since being here, she was starting to wonder if she really did have to go back.
    Walking out of the barn, Carrie felt a small hand push into hers as Mia held her hand and smiled up at her aunt. Carrie squeezed her little hand back gently, loving the fact the despite a long two years passing, her niece still felt so comfortable with her.
    She was about to get into Jason’s car when she spotted a land rover driving out of the entrance opposite the barn and pulling up beside Jason’s . The door opened and Daniel jumped out and walked around smiling at them all.
    “Daniel, I’m so glad you can join us” Anne said a big delighted smile crossing her face.
    “Not a problem, had to pull a few favours and get some guys to put in some over time for me but I will make it worth it for them”
    “Excellent, now would you mind if a couple of us jumped in with you? Saves ordering a cab if we are all going to the same place” Carrie could not believe the audacity of her mother, asking a complete stranger for a lift.
    “Of course, not a problem” He smiled, glancing at Carrie who just stared at the floor not knowing where to look.
    “Carrie and me can jump in with you then and Lacey and Mia can go with Jason, if that’s ok” Carrie glanced over at her mother, panic surging through her of the thought of travelling with the man who made her stomach do flips, the man she felt she needed to try and avoid.
    “Sounds perfect” Daniel said walking over to the land rover and opening the door for Anne to climb in, pulling herself together Carrie slowly walked over to the open door, concentrating on each foot step as she felt if she didn’t she may stumble, as her legs felt like jelly.
    Pulling herself into the passenger seat she turned around and glared at her mother, who shrugged her shoulders at her daughter, acting clueless to what was such a big problem.
    The journey to the fair was a short one into the main town. Anne and Daniel chatting away like old friends, whilst Carrie fidgeted with her phone praying for some signal to check her emails to keep her mind occupied on anything

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