    “Yes I did,” Maude yelled. After the judge
censured her, the attorney continued.
    “What did your mother tell you about
this case?”
    “She was thinking about taking it to
    “What did you tell her ?”
    “Not to waste her time. If Uncle David had
wanted us to have the money, he would’ve left it for us. She didn’t
    “Why would she ignore the advice of her only
child and possibly damage her relationship with you over this, if
she didn’t believe she were doing the right thing?”
    “Greed. She wants his money.”
    “If she wants his money, then she wants it
for you, his blood relative.”
    He faced the judge. “If what her attorney is
saying is true, then we can end this now. I don’t want the money.
Uncle David was a smart and generous man. It was his money to give
to whomever he wanted. I say let his last wishes stand.”
    “Hell no!” his mother screamed. “How dare
you go against me!”
    He shrugged and stared at the red-faced
    Chastity’s heart expanded at his words.
    Sven squeezed her hand, bent forward and
spoke near her ear. “That didn’t go as well as she thought.”
    “Commander Stone, are you intimately
involved with the defendant?” Maude’s attorney asked. The room went
    “Lt. Cmdr Stone and no.”
    “My apologies on your correct title. Have
you ever been?”
    “Objection, relevance.” Mr. Jamison shot
    “Is it possible the children are yours?”
    Maude Stone’s attorney stood facing the
judge. “If the children are Lieutenant Commander Stone’s, then the
relationship portion of the case remains valid.”
    Kenton’s eyes skewered Chastity to her
chair. His face paled and then darkened as the argument raged
between the two attorneys. If his lips tightened any further,
they’d be a slash on his face. Her heart sank as awareness crashed
over his countenance.
    “I disagree, Your Honor,” Jamison said. “The
father of Ms. March’s children has no bearing on this case. It is
David Baxter’s will being contested, not Lieutenant Commander
Stone’s. It’s been proven Mr. Baxter is not the father. Maude Stone
is grabbing at straws because she has no claim on Mr. Baxter’s
    After a moment of deliberation, the judge
sided with Mr. Jamison, and Kenton didn’t answer the question.
Chastity released a breath. Another bridge she’d cross later. Now
it was time for her attorney to represent Mr. Baxter.
    Chastity kicked off her shoes and sank onto
the sofa in the living room. Finally, it was over. Mr. Baxter’s DVD
was admitted into evidence, in which he spoke so eloquently of his
sister’s greed and his heartfelt desire that she not receive a dime
of his money. He then announced he’d sold the house she lived in to
an investor. She had two weeks to move. The person the house now
belonged to was in court with his copy of the deed. Mr. Baxter
suggested his sister move in with her husband and his mistress. The
reporters had a field day with that one. The leased car she drove
had been picked up that morning, and her monthly allotment was to
be terminated immediately. All the while she’d thought her husband
had supported her, but it’d been her brother. Maude Stone left the
courthouse homeless and in tears. Her son left slowly behind her.
The new will was validated.
    Sven walked into the living room and sat
next to her. “I’m glad that’s over.”
    “Yeah, for a minute she had me scared.”
    “When? When they asked Ken if he had sex
with you?”
    She leaned back and stared at him, frowning.
“Noooo. When she started bringing out all those liars, saying they
saw me doing all kinds of stuff. Especially smoking and drugs.
Jamison earned his pay today.”
    “Um hmm.” He clicked on the TV. The kids
were down for the night and she wanted to unwind. Just as she stood
up to get something to drink, the news came on. Her eyes widened as
the screen filled with an

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