Sex and Your Job Search 2013: A Guide to Scoring Your Dream Job

Sex and Your Job Search 2013: A Guide to Scoring Your Dream Job by Dominic Bokich

Book: Sex and Your Job Search 2013: A Guide to Scoring Your Dream Job by Dominic Bokich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dominic Bokich
unemployment benefits and can often provide career counseling.

My life resembles that of Daniel LaRusso more than I like to admit. It was after seeing The Karate Kid at a young age that I decided I would someday leave New Jersey and move to southern California. Best decision of my life. But not at first...
    In the film, Daniel moves to California with his mom and runs into difficulties right away. He meets a hot blond girl by being real and likeable. But Daniel also starts getting picked on by the local karate-trained bullies, one of who is the hot girl’s ex-boyfriend. Mr. Miyagi, a quiet neighbor who happens to be a karate master, begins teaching karate to the naïve underdog Daniel.
    Like Daniel, my move to California hit a huge obstacle early on. I arrived on September 1, 2001 and ten days later all of my job leads dried up due to the attacks of September 11. I was told by each employer that everything was on hold for the next few months. People were not sure how the economy would respond. In the big picture, my problems were nothing compared to those who lost their lives or loved ones. Yet, I felt alone and helpless as I started to look for a job from scratch.
    This chapter is about presenting yourself to an employer in a real and likeable way through your resume, cover letter, and/or online application. Like Daniel, you will have to go through a little training to get this done. But there is a quick method for this—no “wax on, wax off” needed.
    “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.”
    “Are you from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only ten I see.”
    “Come here often?”
    Pickup lines are out. But conversation starters will never be. You have to say something .
    In your job search, the resume is the dating equivalent of a conversation starter. When you stop by the employer of your dreams or fill out an online application, you have to have a well-prepared and likeable resume.
    So, here is what you need to know.
    There are two types of resumes. The old paper kind and the new electronic kind, which includes resumes used for online applications.
    The old paper resume is still necessary, but now it is just one part of the resume equation. In the past, the paper resume was all the information an employer had about you to make a decision to interview and hire you. The resume was a means by which the screening process could be accelerated so that a hiring manager would not have to interview everyone that applied.
    These days, most medium and large companies will have you fill out an online application. This is the new-school resume. We talked about these online application programs a little earlier. They’re referred to as applicant tracking systems (ATS), where you fill in blanks for your education, employment history, and job duties. An ATS also offers the option to cut and paste a resume and cover letter. It’s really not an option. If you don’t do this, you are perceived as lazy.
    The new-school resume also refers to everything that can be found out about you on the Internet. A simple Google search can turn up a lot of information, including Facebook posts, YouTube videos, photo albums, and/or Tweets. I mentioned this earlier and will do so again: Through social media and the Internet, employers can find out what kind of person they think you are and then project what type of employee you would be.
    What can you do about your online profile? Untag questionable photos of yourself ASAP. Take down embarrassing videos. Edit your privacy settings. If there’s something really awful out there, Google “how to remove things from a website.” That should help you get started, as your online presence is key to presenting yourself well.
    Here are some facts and truths about resumes, which I hope will clear up some common misconceptions.
1. A resume does

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