Sex Secrets of an American Geisha
sexy, and feminine tomorrow than we are today? An swer that one with me, please, by saying a confident, “Yes, I can be more at tractive tomorrow than I am today. I just need to make it a high priority in my life to be more beautiful, sexy, and feminine every day.”
As part of my research, I asked both men and women what makes a woman feminine and sexy. Here are some of their responses:
“She is receptive to a man’s suggestions and plans.”
“She has a way of carrying herself.”
“She drips with sexuality.”
“She smells good, looks good, and sounds good.”
“She is appreciative of whatever I do.”
“She has a loving personality.”
“It’s her way of talking to you or looking at you.”
“It’s her smile.”
“She uses her eyes to connect to you.”
“She shows her emotions.”
“She has poise.”
“She laughs freely and loudly and enjoys life.”
“She satisfies her man’s fantasies.”
“She accepts me for who I am.”
“She doesn’t take life too seriously.”
“She respects her man.”
“She sees me as her hero.”
“She makes me feel like a man.”
“She’s a little bit playful.”
“She is confident in her beauty.”
“She’s kind.”
“She is not confrontational.”
“She is positive about herself.”
“She is beautiful and exciting to look at.”
“She is a ferocious feline in bed.”
“She tells me what she likes [sexually].”
“She screams [during sex].”
“She gets excited [sexually].”
“She never pushes me away [sexually].”
“She never uses sex for power.”
“She is gentle and graceful.”
“She is shy and naïve outside; inside, she has a huge sexual desire.”
“She is sexual, sensual, and erotic.”
“It’s in the way she carries herself.”
“She knows how to dress.”
“She knows how to use her body.”
“She can use her eyes to smile.”
“It’s in her way of talking to and looking at people.”
“She moves and acts in a subtle and flirtatious way.”
“Her clothing slightly reveals some of her body.”
“She gives a hint of what lies underneath her clothes.”
“She is smolderingly sexy, but always classy, in public.”
“She is responsive to the slightest touch.”
“She easily reaches multiple orgasms.”
“She is extremely oral, both giving and receiving.”
“She has highly responsive nipples.”
“She has bones like rubber, no matter her age.”
“She likes to bite and suck my lower lip.”
“The flirting, the teasing, the suggestion.”
“She is comfortable being sexually provocative in her appearance.”
“She falls in love with me after she has a huge orgasm.”
“She is outrageous and sexy on the outside and inside.”
“She isn’t afraid of public affection.”
“She has a voyeuristic side to her.”
“She uses a few explicit words in the heat of passion.”
“She knows what pleases a man and herself.”
When I collected this information, I did not refer at all to geisha. I sim ply asked respondents what they felt made a woman feminine and sexy. However, if you eliminate all of the explicitly sex-related responses, you’ll find upon rereading the list that most of these qualities describe the Asian Geisha in her relationship with her clients.
Likewise, all of these elements of femininity or sexiness give you op tions and choices in terms of your relationship with your Good Man. You, dear Younger Sister, should consider expressing your feminine, sexy self in some of these ways to the prospective Good Men that come into your life.
Although not all psychologists agree, the research of David M. Buss, as reported in his 1994 book, The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating, suggests that men are attracted to youthfulness or the look of youthfulness in women and to healthy-looking women. Specific elements of a woman’s appearance that were found particularly attractive included full lips; clear, smooth skin; clear eyes; shiny, full hair; good muscle tone; a bouncy, youth ful walk; an animated face; and a high

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