Someone to Love

Someone to Love by Lucy Scala

Book: Someone to Love by Lucy Scala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Scala
my eyes. “That day in the hospital I saw a confident woman. You want to help others and I’m sure that those children will worship you. You’ll bring a bit of happiness into their lives and it will be successful.”
    â€œThanks for the nice words, I forgot how pleasant it is to receive compliments.”
    â€œI just think it’s fair to recognize certain merits. As you know, I work in the hospital and I know the three children that the Director has chosen to try the pet therapy with very well. They are really special, you’ll see for yourself.”
    â€œI have no doubt. All I want to do is to make myself useful, I don’t know why I feel this urge.”
    Alberto’s phone rang and he took it out of his jacket pocket, risking dropping it twice. His expression changed instantly and his brow furrowed. Then he turned it off and put it back in his pocket. It reminded me of something in the past but I pushed that thought from my head. It was really inappropriate.
    â€œNo problem. You could answer…” I said.
    â€œIt wasn’t important,” he replied seriously. He seemed sincere.
    I talked to him a bit about everything, my studies, my work and my passion for books. What I discovered about Alberto pleased me. He returned with anecdotes about his profession, about his travels around the world and the yoga classes he’d been attending for years now. Then we moved onto a completely different field.
    â€œIf you’re free, one of these days we could go out. We could go to the centre and you could bring your colleague, because my friend seemed to really enjoy her company.”
    I blushed slightly and accepted. “Sure why not? I’d love to,” I said smugly.
    â€œPerfect,” he said. “I only ask you this as a favour. Given the situation in the hospital—” he caught his breath “it would be good if this remained between us.”
    â€œOh, I understand perfectly,” I said, a little surprised, while mixed emotions stirred inside me: the Mia of the past would not have attributed any weight to his request whereas the Mia of today wanted to know more. “Yes, the coincidence of you and I in the same department, it might look as if I had been recommended…” I murmured, unconvinced, but decided not to pursue the conversation.
    â€œI knew you’d understand.”
    For a moment there was a strange silence.
    â€œI don’t know why, but before you mentioned the centre, I imagined you were more the type that would go to a luxury restaurant in the hills rather than a night out in the city,” I said, to lighten the conversation.
    â€œDon’t I look like the night life type?”
    â€œNo offence, but not really. You’re always dressed flawlessly and appear so professional even outside work.”
    He smiled. “Is that bad?”
    I shook my head. “No, it’s that I’m not so perfect.” I slid my fingers down my dress. “This is not me, it’s all a pantomime and I can’t wait for Cinderella to go back into the pumpkin.”
    Alberto held back a laugh and turned serious. “Does Cinderella still have some time to spare?”
    â€œEnough, before the spell wears off…”
    Chatting, I totally lost track of time and when I stood beside my car, Alberto blocked the door to stop me from getting in.
    I looked at him in amazement. The light of the street lamp lit up his face and the play of light and shadows redesigned his features. It softened them. His half smile that I found so fascinating re-appeared.
    â€œI really enjoyed your company tonight.” He pulled a rebellious strand of hair that had escaped from my chignon away from my face. He held me by the arm and leaned towards me. For my part there was no hesitation, even when he touched my lips.
    I returned the kiss and stepped back, looking him in the eye. “I’ll see you soon, then,” I whispered in his ear

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