Somewhere in His Arms

Somewhere in His Arms by Katia Nikolayevna

Book: Somewhere in His Arms by Katia Nikolayevna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katia Nikolayevna
back to the car.
                  Rudy caught her arm  “No, you don’t kiddo,” he said, laughing. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”
                  “I don’t have one,” she grumbled as he knocked on the door. She thought she heard a man’s deep voice answer.
                  They let themselves in and Lucy stood for a moment in shock. The inside was dark and gloomy. The windows had the curtains drawn and sheets were draped over everything. Lucy began to wonder if this wasn’t some joke.
                  Rudy set her bag down and called out. “Alec! Where are you?”
                  They were answered by a loud CRASH! Followed by something breaking and then a slew of oaths so vile Lucy had to cover her ears. She glanced at Rudy who looked embarrassed and then watched as he took off toward the kitchen. Then she heard the man swearing at Rudy. No one ever swore at Rudy and walked away without a subpoena.
                  She leaned closer and heard them arguing.
                  “What the bloody hell did you do?”
                  “Would you keep your voice down? She’s right in the next room!”
         “That’s your fault! I told you I don’t want to see anybody! Now get out!”
                  “I thought you weren’t playing poor-pitiful-me anymore.”
                  “Shut your fucking mouth! I don’t need anybody! I can take care of myself!”
                  “I can see that. What are you planning to do next? Hang yourself from the rafters?”
                  “Dammit, Rudy! I don’t need a bloody nurse! So you can piss off and leave me the hell alone!”
                  “I don’t think so. Why don’t you come out and meet her?”
                  Rudy’s head poked out and he smiled and nodded at Lucy who was beginning to feel she was better off in the ER. At least they didn’t bite. Well, sometimes they didn’t. She held her breath as he came out pushing a man in a wheelchair. The room was dark so she could barely see him. He was young, not yet thirty, or so she guessed with black hair and maybe blue eyes. From what she could see he was more than handsome. But then so was Dean. She’d had enough of that and didn’t want anymore.
                  He was wearing a robe over his pajamas, and his right leg was stretched out encased in a cast to the thigh. He looked none too pleased to see her. He glanced up and mumbled something. For a moment, she thought he told her to go to hell.
                  “E-Excuse me?”
                  Rudy poked him in the back, and he swore but offered her a brilliant smile. His teeth flashed white as his deep voice answered in an English accent. “I said ’hello’,” he repeated and she felt his eyes slowly moving over her. She crossed her arms over her chest hoping he wouldn’t guess she was scared to death.
                  “H-Hello,” she replied, wondering if Rudy had gone insane. Anyone could tell this guy was unhinged. What the hell was he thinking? An awkward silence ensued as they each tried to think of something to say. Finally Rudy cleared his throat.
                  “Lucy, I’d like you to meet Alec Barrington. Alec, this is Lucy Havilland. She’ll be your nurse.”
                  “I haven’t said yes.”
                  “You will.”
                  Then to Lucy’s horror Rudy opened the door and began to leave. She left her new patient and chased after him.
                  “Rudy! Wait!”
                  He got into the car and turned the key. “Well, I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.”
                  Rudy!” she gasped in horror. “You can’t leave me here with this psycho! What if he carves me up into little

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