Somewhere to Call Home (Love Inspired Historical)

Somewhere to Call Home (Love Inspired Historical) by Janet Lee Barton

Book: Somewhere to Call Home (Love Inspired Historical) by Janet Lee Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Lee Barton
busy and it totally slipped my mind. But, I’ll be sure to ask on Monday.” She ladled a spoonful of scalloped potatoes onto her plate.
    “No need to worry, Lila. There was an ad in the classifieds today,” Mrs. Heaton said. “Violet is going to apply there first thing.”
    “Oh...” Lila nearly dropped the casserole dish she was passing down the table. “That’s good. Maybe we’ll be coworkers after all.”
    Violet didn’t know if she meant it or not, but Lila did smile across the table at her. For some reason she didn’t think Lila liked her very much. Then she told herself that she had no way of knowing that. Still, it didn’t dispel the feeling she had that Lila wished she hadn’t come to live at the Heatons’ boardinghouse. Violet thought it might have something to do with Michael. Lila tried to catch his attention at every opportunity, and it was obvious that she was very interested in him, but so far he didn’t seem to be giving her any more attention than he gave the other women. Violet hoped to become friends with all the boarders, but she wasn’t sure it was going to happen with Lila. Only time would tell.
    She was relieved when the conversation turned from her to the other boarders. She liked hearing about their days and the rest of the meal was quite enjoyable for Violet. Mr. Talbot entertained them with stories from the ball he’d covered the night before.
    Up until now the names he mentioned were those that Violet had occasionally seen in the newspaper, but none of their activities mattered much to her. However, they seemed to mean a lot to those around the dinner table. He was plied with questions about what the ladies wore, what was served and whom they talked to.
    The conversation took them through a dessert of cherry pie à la mode and into the parlor afterward. This time Violet stayed for a while and, although she didn’t join in on the conversations, she enjoyed listening and learning more about this city she would be calling home.
    When everyone began heading to their rooms, Violet found herself going up the stairs with Elizabeth, Julia and Lila.
    “What are you going to do tomorrow, Violet?” Julia asked. “If you don’t have any plans, you are welcome to come home with me and have Sunday dinner with my family. Lila and Elizabeth are coming, and my mother always has plenty.”
    “Oh, thank you so much, Julia. But Michael and his mother mentioned something about showing me Central Park after church and Sunday dinner.”
    “Oh?” Lila arched an eyebrow and seemed to be waiting for an answer of some kind.
    Violet didn’t know what to say except, “I believe so.”
    “Oh, you’ll love that, won’t she, Lila?” Julia turned to the other girl. “We often go there as a group.”
    “I’d love to go with you all sometime.” Violet was a little disappointed at having to miss the opportunity to get to know the girls better.
    “Oh, there will be other times—don’t you worry. We go on outings together quite frequently, don’t we, Lila?” Elizabeth nudged the girl.
    Lila gave a very brief smile. It was so quick, Violet was certain that had she blinked, she might have missed it.
    On the other hand, maybe it was better that she couldn’t spend the day with them. Besides, she’d had such a good time with Michael and his mother that she was really looking forward to the next day. “I’m sorry I can’t go with you to meet your family tomorrow, but thank you for the invitation.”
    “You’re welcome. There’ll be another time,” Julia said.
    They’d reached the top of the stairs when Lila said, “Elizabeth, could you come to my room, please? I want you to help me pick out what to wear tomorrow.”
    “Of course,” Elizabeth said before turning to Violet and Julia. “Good night, Violet. We’ll see you tomorrow evening. I hope you have a wonderful time. Night, Julia.”
    “Good night, all,” Julia said from her doorway.
    “I hope you all have a wonderful time, too,”

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