Taste of the Devil
herself to a debaucher who had slept with half the women in England? Gad, she could hardly wait for the opportunity.
    She forced herself to give the twit a blank, dull look.
    “Reputation, my lord?” As if she had never heard of such a thing.
    “Yes, well, I have a sort of, ah, notoriety, ah, in a certain area...” Dammit, it was bloody hard to speak with her looking at him like that! It was as if the juice had run out of her brain. His nostrils flared in annoyance.
    Ginny lowered her lashes demurely. And gleefully prodded further. “Deserved, my lord?”
    Well, partly deserved, he acknowledge with a lopsided grin. It had been so easy to fool the ton. No one could possibly sleep with that many women. For his purposes, they only had to believe he did. To that end, no lady would ever admit he had left her at her door when he had surely slept with all the others. Perception ruled the ton and always played right into his plans. He was no angel to be sure, but the utter wastrel Lord Devon was not exactly him, either.
    Instead of answering her directly, he replied, “I can assure you I can be a loyal hus–”
    Ginny wagged a finger. “Please, my lord, do not offend us both with your words.”
    So, she didn’t trust him, did she? Hmm. Not a dimwit, after all. Still, she was beginning to intrigue him.
    And intriguing someone like him was never a good idea.
    Tyler Devon was a very clever man. The fact that he was still alive after the life he led testified to it. He realized immediately he was going to have to change tack. Instantly, he shifted direction, smiling benevolently at her.
    If she had known him better, she would have run for the hills.
    In her quest to bring about her own ends, Ginny never suspected a thing. By doing so, she sorely underestimated the Duke of Islemoor’s grandson.
    “May I be honest, my lord?”
    Feigning gentlemanly manners, Tyler placed his hand over his heart. “I implore you, my Lady, feel free.”
    “The truth is, I do not wish to marry anyone. The thing is, most of the males in my life recently have been altogether odious.”
    She hesitated when she realized his eyes were turning into thin slits of silvery blue. Their effect was rather considerable. She swallowed before quickly adding, “Present company excluded, of course.”
    “Of course.” He responded dryly.
    “You see, Lord Devon, at the moment I do not particularly fancy having one particular man.”
    Tyler once again was taken off guard. He stared at her mildly shocked. “Are you saying you prefer additional forms of entertainment?” She was more sophisticated than he first thought.
    Ginny looked perplexed. “I- I ‘m not sure what you mean?”
    “You– “ Tyler rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “Never mind.” This was not going as smoothly as he had hoped. The girl seemed totally unschooled yet strangely knowledgeable.
    Still, he was not about to give up. “We should get along famously then.”
    Now it was Ginny’s turn to be stunned. “What do you mean, Lord Devon?”
    He cleared his throat. “’Tis quite simple. Contrary to rumors concerning my endless liaisons, I find that all I am truly interested in is games of chance in various forms. I shouldn’t like my life to change at all. A wife can be tiresome. And of course one is expected to regularly...”
    He shuddered for effect and hoped he wasn’t overdoing it. “Well, the forced intimacy in such a relationship can be appalling.”
    Ginny was confused. “But, I thought you lived for women.”
    So she had heard of his reputation. “I live for the excitement of the chase.” He did not lie in that regard.
    “Then you don’t wish to marry either?” Her face brightened at the prospect, annoying him no end.
    “Not until now.”
    He smirked at her crestfallen expression. Round about is fair play, mate. He lowered his voice to an enticing whisper.
    “You see, I have figured out a way for both of us to get what we want.”

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