
TemptationinTartan by Suz deMello

Book: TemptationinTartan by Suz deMello Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suz deMello
the group. A number of his
clansmen had traveled to the city expressly to accompany them back to Kilborn
lands for, Kier said, “The Highlands are verra poor, wife, and we are a rich
    They traveled westward toward the coast. “I plan to cross
the Lowlands and visit our distant relations, the Kilbirnies.” His gelding’s
harness jingled.
    “The name is quite similar.”
    “Och, the tale is that many centuries ago a Viking boat
capsized in a storm and all hands were lost, but for one man. He was the
ancestor of all the Kilborns. The Kilbirnies took him in even though he was a
Viking and hated. He married into the clan and took their name, but as time
passed, found the Lowlands not to his taste. His wife didnae wish to travel to
the cold, wild country from whence he’d come, but they moved to the far north
of Scotland. They altered their name to avoid confusion but kept a similar
    The Lowlands were well-populated and seemed prosperous. They
skirted Glasgow to avoid the thieves and footpads infesting the city. “Why did
we not purchase what was needed in Glasgow?”
    “Ah, much of what I bought was imported, and cheaper near
the coast. I bought much in Leith, Edinburgh’s port. Goods are more costly in
Glasgow.” He looked over at her and smiled. “I told ye I’d not waste your
siller, lassie.”
    “Our silver, laddie.”
    “Och, laddie, is it?”
    “Och, aye.” She imitated his accent with a wink, and he
    The Lowlands were as developed as many places in England,
with quarries and mines in the hilly areas where the fir-covered slopes
allowed. Farms and flocks occupied the meadows. It was a green and lovely land.
    Well-maintained roads paralleling the river Garnock led them
to Kilbirnie. Dugald trotted his gray alongside them. “There’s fine fishing in
this river.” He shot a glance laden with meaning at Kieran. Lydia smiled.
    “I’m sure we can spare an afternoon for it.” Kieran winked
at her. “Do ye fish, then, lassie?”
    She pretended to shudder. “Touch a worm to stab it with a
hook? Never, milaird.”
    “Never, eh?” His mouth twitched and he didn’t meet her gaze.
Exactly like her brother George when he planned some joke on her.
    She eyed Kier with suspicion. “Do not even think about it,
milaird. I am a hopeless fisherman, er…fisherwoman. My father tried. It is a
waste of a worm.”
    “Your da took ye fishing?”
    “Yes. It is my belief he would have preferred another son.”
She hoped she didn’t sound bitter.
    “One wasnae enough for him?”
    “No, and certainly not when my brother declined to join the
    “So ye married a military man instead?”
    She nearly fell off her horse. She’d never considered the
possibility that she’d married William to please her father. She turned that
strange new thought over in her mind before she answered. “P’raps so, milaird.
Though at the time I thought I’d married to please myself. But I did marry a
man very much like my father, and he was someone of whom my father approved,
    “Would your father have approved of me, d’ye think?”
    She laughed, thinking of the bedroom games she and her
husband played. “Not at all, not if he knew you the way I do!”
    “Och, that would never happen. Didnae your mother approve of
    “Oh, yes. I would not have married you otherwise.”
    “Nay?” He sounded startled.
    “No, for my mother is a better judge of character than I
    “Is she, now? She approved of your first marriage, did she
    “That’s true.”
    “There’s nothing wrong with your judgment, milady. Ye chose
me, did ye not?” He winked at her, making a jest out of his conceit, and she
    The castle and town of Kilbirnie were situated near the
river. The setting sun glowed on the castle’s turrets as their procession
approached. Their visit eagerly anticipated, the Kilborns were welcomed like
long-lost cousins.
    Later, at dinner in the castle’s Great Hall,

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