Ten Thousand Lies

Ten Thousand Lies by Kelli Jean

Book: Ten Thousand Lies by Kelli Jean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelli Jean
Tags: Romance
help you from there, okay?”
    Xanthe’s pretty mouth curved into an easy smile.
    “Okay,” I replied. “Um…thanks for everything.”
    “It’s just part of my job,” David stated.
    But I knew there was more to it.
    “Really?” asked Deo. “I didn’t realize part of the job description for an archaeologist was to help people escape the life of organized crime.”
    David smirked behind his beard. “I’d like to think we’re not all what we seem to be, Amadeo.”
    Deo appeared dumbstruck. “What else do you know about me?”
    “Besides your aversion to your first name? Everything I need to. Now, it’s time for us to hit the road.”
    “Wait,” said Deo.
    “No. We have to get going, and these two have a new life to plan. I’m sure we’ll be seeing you around though.”
    David knew I’d asked Deo to watch over Xanthe and Rex for Ronen and me.
    Xanthe patted Deo’s shoulder. “See you, Sweeney.”
    David’s eyes narrowed on Deo. Deo’s eyes narrowed back.
    Xanthe’s warm scent engulfed me as she pulled me into a hug. I had no idea why, but I was fighting tears. She and Rex…they’d become like siblings to me, and I was about to lose them for however long.
    “Promise you’ll keep in touch?” she asked.
    “Every chance I get.”
    Rex came next. “Don’t forget about me, man.”
    “Never. You’re our brother now. You’re in this with us.”
    David shook my hand. “Everything is going to feel overwhelming at first, but you guys will get the hang of it.”
    “What the fuck have we gotten ourselves into?” I asked quietly.
    “Something worthwhile. I promise.”

    After they left, I headed to the spare bedroom and grabbed the large envelope from Max. Ronen and I were sharing the room, but he was leaving me alone now, knowing I needed privacy.
    It was time to face the unknown. The future before me stretched out into black nothingness. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. My entire life before now had been controlled, mapped out by The Godwin. Without my father telling me what to do, how to feel, I wasn’t even sure who I was.
    Unsealing the envelope, I slid out the packet of papers.
    To my astonishment, Max had split the family fortune with me. Upon our father’s death and my supposed death, Max had inherited everything. However, when the funds had been released just days after The Godwin had been confirmed dead, Max had deposited half of everything into two separate accounts.
    My share.
    One account was for me to live off of while the other was to aid Ronen and me in our new lives in whatever capacity. In the months to come, we would need to establish ourselves in Amsterdam. At least, that was what Max’s information told me.
    I can’t put into words how proud I am of you. Your passion, hotheadedness, and possible death wish have pushed the door wide open for all we have been fighting for. You took a chance to save the soul of one, and in doing so, you’ve saved all of us from certain damnation.
    It’s no hard task to give you what is rightfully yours. In your new life, you will be on the front line.
    Don’t try to contact me. For a long time, it won’t be safe to do so. It might never be. If I ever need to, I will get in touch with you, but there are people who will let me know of your welfare.
    Know that, even though we might be lost to each other in a sense, you forever have my love and gratitude.
    For always,
    Your Brother
    P.S. Don’t forget to create art. You’ve always been able to see the beauty in everything.
    Create art . With Ronen—that was exactly what I’d be doing. Granted, I was sure Max had something a little more sophisticated in mind, but…
    Holy shit.
    Five and three-quarter billion pounds. I could probably fucking buy the Red Light District.
    I was a billionaire.
    The question was… who am I?

    “Richard Darcy Conklin?” I whispered.
    No, seriously. This had to be some sort of fucking joke.
    “What’s that?” asked Deo, looming over me

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