Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III

Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III by Karl Marx

Book: Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III by Karl Marx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karl Marx
Tags: Ciencias sociales
produits.» ( Jean-Baptiste Say «Traité d’économie politique…», seconde édition, t. II, Paris, 1814, p. 382)
    105. «Mr. Ricardo (p. 359, second edit.), after quoting the doctrine of Smith about the cause of the fall on profits, adds: “M. Say, has, however, most satisfactorily shown, that there is no amount of capital which may not be employed in a country, because demand is only limited by production”.» («An Inquiry into those Principles, respecting the Nature of Demand and the Necessity of Consumption, lately advocated by Mr. Malthus…», Londres, 1821, p. 18)
    105. «“There cannot be accumulated (p. 360) in a country any amount of capital which cannot be employed productively ” (meaning, I presume, “with profit to the owner”) “until wages rise so high in consequence of the rise of necessaries, and so little consequently remains for the profits of stock, that the motive for accumulation ceases”.» ( ibidem , pp. 18-19)
    106. «The latter sentence limits (not to say contradicts) the former, if “which may not be employed”, in the former, means “employed productively”, or rather “profitably”. And if the means simply “employed”, the proposition is useless; because neither Adam Smith nor any body else, I presume, denied that it might “be employed”, if you did not care what profits is brought.» ( ibidem , p. 19)
    106. «… the very meaning of an increased demand by them is, a disposition to take less themselves, and leave a larger share for their employers; and if it is be said that this, by diminishing consumption, increases glut, I can only answer, that glut […] is synonymous with high profits…» ( ibidem , p. 59)
    107. «… the labourers do not, considered as consumers derive any benefit from machines, while flourishing […), unless the article, which the machines cheapen, is one that can be brought, by cheapening, within their use. Treshing-machines, wind-mills, may be a great thing for them in this view; but the invention of a veneering machine, or a block machine, or a lace frame, docs not mend their condition much.» ( ibidem , pp. 74-75)
    107. «The habits of the labourers, where division of labour has been carried very far, are applicable only to the particular line they have been used to; they are a sort of machines . Then, there is a long period of idleness, that is, of labour lost; of wealth cut off at its root. It is quite useless to repeat, like a parrot, that things have a tendency o find their level. We must look about us, and see they cannot for a long time find a level; that when they do, it will be a far lower level than they set out from.» ( ibidem , p. 72) [traducción alemana de Karl Marx , «Das Kapital», t. I. Berlín, 1961, p. 464],
    108. «He will agree to work part of his time for the capitalist ; or, what comes to the same thing, to consider part of the whole produce, when raised and exchanged, as belonging to the capitalist. He must do so, or the capitalist would not have afforded him this [67] assistance.» ( ibidem , p. 102)
    108. «But as the capitalist’s motive was gain , and as this advantages always depend, in a certain degree, on the will to save, as well as on the power , the capitalist will be disposed to afford an additional portion of these assistances; and as he will find fewer people in want of this additional portion, than were in want of the original portion, he must expect to have a less share of the benefit to himself; he must be content to make a present (as it were) to the labourer, of part of [501] the benefit his assistance occasions, or else he would not get the other part: the profit is reduced, then, by competition.» ( ibidem , pp. 102-103)
    108. «Adam Smith thought […] that accumulation or increase of stock in general lowered the rate of profit in general, on the same principle which makes the increase of stock in any particular trade lower the profit of that trade. But such increase of stock in a particular trade

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