The Agathon: Book One

The Agathon: Book One by Colin Weldon

Book: The Agathon: Book One by Colin Weldon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colin Weldon
the surprised expression on the young man’s face
    “I owe you a great debt, David. If Jennifer were here today she would agree with me. I just wanted to express that to you, as I thought it important.”
    “It’s my honour, sir,” he replied, shifting somewhat uncomfortably in his seat.
    “I am concerned about my daughter, David.” Chavel raised an eyebrow.
    “How so? She seems to fit in very well, no?”
    “You don’t have daughters, do you, Lieutenant?” Barrington returned with a light smile.
    Chavel reciprocated, “No, sir. How can I help?”
    “She is becoming increasingly isolated. Much like her mother used to be. Forgive me for being so blunt, but how well do you know her?”
    Chavel shifted in his seat. “Not well, sir. She seems to shy away from conversation. We’ve talked. She’s bright and very capable. She seems guarded, but if she is having difficulty she seems to hide it well.”
    The commander contemplated the young man’s words. “Thank you, Lieutenant. That will be all.” Chavel stood and collected the pad off the desk
    “Anything I can do, sir,” he replied as he made his way to the door. It slid open with proximity and the young lieutenant made his way into the corridors. Barrington’s thoughts wandered as he leaned back in his chair, once again turning to face the exterior view of the glowing colony. His eyes drifted towards the observatory, as the peace of the moment weighed heavily on his eyes. He began to drift into unconsciousness.
    The smell of freshly cut grass on a summer’s day fills his senses. It is Mars. But different. Alive with lush green landscape. He feels the soft ground beneath his feet and the sun’s warm rays on his face. He looks up and sees his wife across the field in her colonial jumpsuit, back to him.
    “Jennifer,” he shouts.
    The silence and bliss between the two of them is palpable, as they stare at each other across the open field. Scattered throughout the landscape are a variety of forests and streams now teeming with life. Overhead the skies are alight with broken cloud formations, splitting the Martian sunlight into beams of striking colours. The sounds of life on this new Earth drown the senses. They are separated by a quiet flowing river, which flows effortlessly over the uneven ground. Light breezes play with her hair, as the warm glow of the distant sun warms their faces. It is a happy moment. He never moves towards her. As if they glance at each other across some impassable terrain. She mouths something to him. Every time the same. He can’t quite make it out.
    It looks like, “I love you.” She repeats it in slow motion over and over, always smiling. He begins to hear the faintest sound of a woman’s voice being carried on the wind. Jennifer’s voice begins to echo in his ears. The words are not, “I love you.”
    She is softly saying, “I’m melting.” It is the moment right before she begins to sink. A pool of black oil like fluid forms beneath her feet.
    Barrington calls to her. “Run, Jennifer,” he cries. She looks on calmly, still gently smiling as she slowly begins to submerge into the black. Barrington screams to her to get out. She pays no heed. Her smile remains as her torso and upper body begin to submerge. “Please, Jennifer! Don’t go.” She closes her eyes calmly and accepts the black fluid into her mouth. Still smiling.
    Barrington howls, “No!”
    He woke suddenly, looked around the room finding it empty and dark. As he wiped away a tear the holo -comp bleeped, indicating an incoming call.
    “This is Barrington, go ahead.”
    The voice on the other end was shaky and frantic, “John, this is Tyrell. We have an emergency. I think you should come to the observatory immediately.” Barrington’s heart jumped.
    “What’s going on, Doctor, is Carrie all right?”
    “Yes, John, she’s fine, but there is something happening to the signal. Please come down here. I am declaring a colonial

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