The Atlas Murders
someone who was in reality, a total
    "Honestly Vera, there’s
no need to apologize. I think I understand why this has surfaced now. You have
been carrying the scars inside on your heart and mind for all these years. Perhaps
in me you can see how the loss of my niece has led to a similar haunting - a
pain that will never go away. I sincerely hope that by you telling me this, it
will help ease your heavy burden.”
    "Thank you Henry, you
are so kind and understanding.”
    “That’s sweet of you to say
    And then, suddenly feeling
that it was the most natural thing to do, Henry reached across table and gently
held Vera’s hand in his. She placed her other hand on top of his and they gazed
intently into each other’s eyes for what, as far as they were concerned, could
have been an eternity.
    The intensity of the moment
was rudely interrupted by the noise of a champagne bottle shattering on the marble
floor beside a nearby table. This brought a flurry of activity from various
members of staff, who were frantically milling about trying to round up shards
of glass that had scattered far and wide. Taking advantage of this distraction,
Henry leaned across the table and gently pulling Vera towards him, placed a
lingering kiss on Vera’s invitingly beautiful lips as she tenderly caressed his
    How long the kiss lasted,
they couldn’t say, but realizing they were now becoming the center of
attention, they both eased back into their chairs and tried to feign an air of
decorum fitting for such genteel surroundings.
    After finishing their coffees
in silence, Vera was the first to speak.
    “Do you mind if we go now,
Henry. I will relate to you the rest of the story on the walk to my house which
is across the park”.
    Vera called the waiter.
    "Could you please put
this on my account?"
    "Of course madam, just
sign here please." Vera scribbled her signature and they walked through to
the lobby. On the way past the front desk Henry noticed a familiar face.
    "Vera is that who I
think it is?"
    "Yes, it’s James Mason
the actor, one of my favorites. I've made his acquaintance. He is a gentleman
with an abundance of charm."
    Vera led the way across to
the gate into the park. "It’s not far from here. I live in De Vere Gardens
at the other side of the park. It’s a beautiful night for a walk. I love this
place it's a country setting in the middle of a huge metropolis."
    At first they walked in
silence, very aware of one another's presence, stopping to admire the gilded
moon-river that was the serpentine. Only the gentle buzz of insects like
lisping ghosts, punctuated the quietness of the warm balmy night.
    Vera was first to break the
    "If I was seventeen
again, I'd go skinny dipping and you could chase me in the golden water until
I'd give up and let you catch me."
    "You know I'd follow you
like an otter, and when I'd catch you I'd want to hear you squealing with mock
fear and delight."
    "And then Henry, what
would you do when you had me captured and overpowered?"
    "I'd kiss your lips and
all the little tiny droplets like pearls running down your precious nakedness,
like the poet Yeats, 'I'd pluck till times and times are done the silver apples
of the moon, the golden apples of the sun'."
    "You are a romantic at
heart. I also love that poem of Yeats.”
    Reaching the other side of
the park, she said, "This gate here, it’s called The Queen's gate, and
we're nearly home."
    "This is a beautiful area;
I'd hate to think what property would cost here."
    "I wouldn't know, this
house has been in our family for generations. When I was young we called it our
town house and would come to stay for weekend breaks and sometimes for
    They walked through the
spacious hallway and into a large lounge room. Henry sat down on the
comfortable leather couch while Vera went to the drinks cabinet. "You must
have a glass of cognac it’s traditional after a meal and I didn't exercise my
duty as a generous hostess at

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