The Biker's Chaos (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Book 5)

The Biker's Chaos (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Book 5) by Regina Fox

Book: The Biker's Chaos (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Book 5) by Regina Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Fox
to pinch the waitress,” he said softly.
    She smiled. “’Okay.”
    “And I’ll give you a ride home. No more of this walking nonsense especially after dark or in the weather. I bet you between twenty bikers we can scare up some wheels for you,” said John.
    “That’s okay,” she said.
    “What do you mean that’s okay?” he stretched her out on the bed and tickled her.
    “No tickling!” she shouted.
    “Sorry, sorry,” he said. “If we have some wheels for you, I want you to have them. Of course, if you don’t mind me giving you rides, that’s okay with me, too.”
    “’Kay. I’ll change at the restaurant,” she said.
    “Why do it there?” he asked.
    “So I can ride on the back of your bike,” she said.
    “I have the Charger with me right now. How about you get ready for work? I’ll take you, and then I’ll drop by your phone. How about dinner?” he asked.
    “That’s a great idea,” she said.
    It made her happy that he would do that for her.
    “Finally,” he said. “There’s that smile.”
    Chapter 10
    It was slow at Park Café. Parshall was such a slow motion town, what with the fracking boom that came and moved on to New City, not much happened. People liked to take their meals out, so waiting tables was a steady gig for Hannah.
    But when she began her shift that night, she thought ahead and could see herself working toward becoming a police officer and helping others. She could picture it clearly.
    “Oh, hey,” she said to her manager Tara. “I have a friend who might come in for dinner. Will that be a problem if I wait on him?”
    “Him?” asked Tara, her ears perked up.
    “Yes,” Hannah whispered.
    “Oh, that kind of him,” Tara teased.
    “I think so,” said Hannah.
    “Just make sure you pay attention to your other tables, if we get any. Business is super slow,” she said.
    “Hey while it’s slow, I will polish the chrome here,” said Hannah. “Since you’re doing me a favor.”
    She was neck deep in the coffee dispenser when she felt the nudge of an elbow in her buttocks.
    “Hannah,” gasped Tara. “Is that him?”
    Her manager was rasping in a low whisper that sounded like she had something stuck in the back of her throat.
    “Yep,” said Hannah.
    “Oh my gosh,” exclaimed Tara. “He is fine. Does he have a brother?”
    “Nope, but he has lots of friends. Come meet him,” said Hannah.
    She hopped off the step stool and led her manager out to the hostess podium. John’s eyes glittered as he watched her approach. He winked. Then he wiggled her cell phone and handed it to her. Hannah quickly sent her sister a text. She had none from her which was kind of worrisome.
    “Hannah,” teased Tara. “You have a table. Put your phone away.”
    “John, this is Tara, my boss. She wants to know if you have any friends. Know anyone we can fix her up with?” beamed Hannah.
    “I’m leaving now,” said Tara scurrying off. “Nice to meet you.”
    “You didn’t wait for my answer,” John called.
    “Do you know anyone?” asked Hannah excitedly.
    “We can invite her on a ride.” 
    They stood staring at each other. It was amazing that she had just left him not but an hour or two before, and yet, she was so intensely happy to see him.
    He sat, barely folding into the booth as she handed him a menu.
    “Okay,” she said. “What can I get you?”
    “How about a beer and we go from there? The one brewed west of the Rockies. No glass,” he smiled. “How come I didn’t notice how hot you were in your little uniform? We may have to make use of that.”
    Hannah staggered she was so aroused. “Why don’t you meet me in the bathroom?”
    He grinned.
    Hannah rushed to the ladies room. John followed her inside. He stepped toward her and swept his hands over her, kissing her passionately. Like he had to have her or die.
    Hannah wanted him back. She gripped his hands with hers and plunged her tongue into his mouth as deeply as it could go. John quickly

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