The Black Lotus (Night Flower)

The Black Lotus (Night Flower) by Claire Warner

Book: The Black Lotus (Night Flower) by Claire Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Warner
at the words and looked at Sarah with a grateful smile. “I mean he did deserve it, but he would have struck you.”
    “I wasn’t going to let him take me out there,” Melissa retorted, remembering the anger that coursed through her as she realised what he meant to do. “Did you want me to meekly go with him?”
    “Of course not, but why didn’t you just excuse yourself?”
    “I tried but he was pinching my arm,” She held up her wrist and showed the reddened marks made by his fingers. “Perhaps I should have called for help from another, but I barely know some of these men and why should I have to?” A great sense of injustice flowed within her. “I slapped him for heaven’s sake and now Marcus is going to duel him tomorrow.”
    “ Yes I wouldn’t worry about that.” Sarah replied. “Montjoy is a poor duellist. Your brother will mark him and then that odious individual will leave court for several years! I would worry more about your own future,” Her friend’s face took on a more concerned cast. “That little burst of anger will cost you dear, I saw several potential suitors for you turn their eyes away in disgust.”
    “Sarah ,” Melissa protested; worry flooding through her in an instant.
    “Well it’s true, you just demonstrated conduct unbecoming for a lady and as it is your first day on the scene it hasn’t helped. You have to be demure.”
    “I know that.” Melissa’s voice was wrung with agony as she realised the enormity of what she had done.
    “You should have had the vapours or fainted.” Sarah persisted, seemingly determined to lay salt on the wound.
    “I know.” In a paroxysm of misery Melissa bent her head back into the lace handkerchief, wiping the hot salty tears into the white fabric.
    “Melissa,” Her father’s voice drew her attention and she looked up Edward De Vire was crossing the room, his face clouded with anger.
    “Well I guess he knows,” She stepped forward and hugged Sarah farewell, feeling her anxiety rise even further. “Hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    “Of course. ” Sarah replied, stepping away as Melissa’s father walked through the door.
    “We’re going home. ” Edward announced in a voice like thunder as he reached them threshold. In a stony silence, her father led her from the Palace and out into the cool night air. Melissa did not attempt conversation; her father’s anger was a palpable force that she feared to test. As she waited for Marcus and her mother to leave the building and as a distraction from her father’s raw fury, Melissa turned her head to stare back at the Palace. A lone figure detached itself from the exit and walked out, illuminated by one of the carriage lamps. The light bounced off powdered hair and a bejewelled coat drawing her attention. Justin stood at the entrance. His eyes met hers and he took a hesitant step forward. His face was softer, less mocking than it had been within the ball and he seemed all the more attractive for it. At that moment, her mother and brother left the palace and walked towards them. Her mother was thin lipped and angry.
    “Into the carriage,” Her father’s voice gruffly sounded as the steps were lowered before her. Melissa ducked her head and climbed within the coach, before turning and staring back out of the curtained window. Justin still stood there, face in shadow beneath the glare of the light. As her mother and Marcus stepped through the doors, he was joined by Mary Westbury and she drew him away towards the Palace. As they pulled away she took one last look at his dark form before he faded from sight. Behind her Justin watched her leave, an enigmatic gleam deep within his eyes as the carriage disappeared from view.
    They rode home in silence, Melissa glancing at her father surreptiously as the carriage rumbled over the cobbled streets. Marcus attempted idle banter but

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