The China Doll
and kissed it softly. "What do you want to do then?"
    "Please just give me some time. I know," he
said before she could say anything. "You’ve already waited. Just a
little more, I promise."
    "What would you do with this time?" she asked
as she wrapped her arms around his waist and put her head on his
    He inhaled. "There’s something I need to sort

    It was a late fall evening in 1980 when Alex
arrived at Stephen’s house for a drink. "About time, my friend,"
Stephen said as he led Alex into the living room. "What’s your
    "Oh, the usual," Alex said off-handedly as he
looked around. "Is your dad home?"
    Stephen stiffened as he poured their drinks.
"No," he said with forced nonchalance. "He’s out for the weekend,
I’m afraid." He turned and handed Alex his drink. "I’ll be sure to
tell him you said hello."
    Alex sipped his drink. He needed the courage.
"Thanks, but it’s actually a little bit more than a hello." He
knocked his drink back. "I wanted to ask him something."
    Stephen sat down, barely concealing his
distaste. "About what?"
    "A business opportunity," Alex said simply.
"One with amazing profit potential."
    "How much are you looking for?" When Alex
said the number Stephen let out a low whistle. "Sorry, I can tell
you right now, Dad doesn’t have that. I don’t have it either. I’d
give it to you myself if I did."
    "It was a long shot anyway," Alex said
disappointedly. "But worth asking about."
    "I’m sorry, Alex. But please, you don’t want
to owe my father anything."
    "I wouldn’t owe him for long."
    Stephen shook his head. "He can’t." He looked
at his friend’s fallen face. "But he’s not the only one around here
with deep pockets. Why don’t you just ask Annabelle’s dad?"
    "Because he’s my boss, and if this investment
doesn’t work out, I’d like to keep my job."
    "Alex, Gerry likes you. I think he’s going to
admire you even more, even if he says no. He won’t fire you just
for asking."
    "Then maybe I don’t want to look desperate in
front of him."
    Stephen winked. "Don’t worry—I’m the only who
knows the lengths you’re ready to go to, and your secret is safe
with me." He hit Alex’s knee. "I’ll take care of it."
    "How? I didn’t think Gerry had quite warmed
to you yet."
    He winked. "Well, I’ve got an in."
    "Oh great! I didn’t think Annabelle had
warmed to me quite yet either."
    "Maybe not," Stephen said with a grin. "But
she has warmed to me. Once she sees the ring I got her, I don’t
think I’ll have a problem getting her to do my friend a small
    Alex raised his glass. "Ah, true love."
    It was after six the next Friday evening.
Alex sat in the waiting room of Gerald Hendrickson’s office. The
secretary looked resentfully at Alex before she announced him to
    At last, Alex was shown in at six-thirty.
Gerald, in his sixties with graying, receding hair, looked up from
his glasses. "Thank you Jenny. You can leave now."
    "Thank you sir," she said, then passed Alex
without a word.
    Gerald stood up and shook Alex’s hand. He was
taller than average, but not as tall as his son. He was also in
admirable shape for a man his age, although gravity was beginning
to stoop his posture.
    "Good to see you, Mister Sheldon," Gerald
said, gesturing for Alex to sit down. "I can’t tell you how pleased
I am, in fact. I was very surprised when Annabelle—oh, did you
hear? They’re engaged!"
    "I did hear, sir. Stephen told me he was
planning to ask her. I assume, of course, that he told you
    Gerald laughed. "Of course, of course. I
think I’ve been a little bit hard on that young man, but I’ve been
known to change my mind. Stephen will, I’m sure, make a wonderful
husband for my Annabelle."
    "That is his intention."
    "Good, good," Gerald nodded, smiling, leaning
back. "But I don’t think you wanted to see me today to talk about
Stephen and Annabelle, did you?"
    "No, I didn’t." He lifted his chin. "I’ve
been made

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