The Circle: Rain's Story

The Circle: Rain's Story by Treasure E. Blue

Book: The Circle: Rain's Story by Treasure E. Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Treasure E. Blue
do. Just hear me out first.”
    Rain and Dayvid searched the man’s eyes looking for even a smidgen of trickery. Dayvid, still holding his weapon steady on him, looked towards his sister for an answer. She nodded and Dayvid lowered his gun to his side, but still highly vigilant and ready for anything.
    “Okay, mister. On the strength of my aunt, we gonna give yo u this one time pass. But you better have a damn good reason for stepping to us like that in our home and around my family.”
    Smitty closed his eyes , as if to thank God, and agreed with rapid nods. Eyes open, he removed his hat, revealing a matted baby fro.
    “May I sit? ” he asked respectfully.
    Rain shrugged , caring none if he stood or sat. “Just keep your hands on your lap so we can see them.”
    Dangling along the edge of the couch, he left nothing to chance. Following her instructions, he parked his hands on his thigh.
    “Let me just say, that I mean no disrespect. I underestimated you because of your age and should have come better than I did and it will never happen again if we do business together, I promise you.”
    Rain and Dayvid respected that, but still remained silent and allowed him to continue and took a seat on the couch, sitting directly in front of him.
    “Like I said from the start, I know about the heist. I was outside when all the shit went down. I heard the first shot. The Vietnam in me dropped to the ground and took cover behind a parked car. That’s when I saw two figures dressed in all black run out of this very building and into ole New York boy Brooklyn’s stash spot directly across the street.”
    Smitty smiled as his words lingered.
    “Then not even two minutes later, those same two figure s came out of the spot carrying in my estimate, four duffle bags. This time, I watched them move real quick and smooth, in the got damn gun fire. The shit was something out of a Western. But the gunfire,” he stalled again as he searched the apartment. “Came from that same window.”
    Rain frowned . “So, you up here trying to get a piece of the action?”
    Smitty , a bit more relaxed, chuckled under his breath as he shook his head.
    “No, far from that. I’m here to give you a piece of the action.”
    Rain and Dayvid both looked at each other perplexed as Smitty continued.
    “If I know Brooklyn right, the dumb son of a bitch broke the drug dealer’s code to never shit where you eat. In other words, never keep your drugs and money together in the same place. This leads me to why I’m here in the first place.” Smitty allowed them time to let his words sink in. “If my guess was right, y’all came out with both a gang of loot and an ample amount of grade A heroin.” Again, he allowed his words to linger. “Now, I don’t doubt smart and talented young people like you don’t know what to do with the cash, that’s none of my concern, but the drugs however can get a bit complicated. It’s a dirty game, I don’t deal in it myself, however I am connected enough to know how to make a huge profit off of it by selling it in bulk, in one shot. And that…..” He smiled, and flashed a hint of gold. “Depending on the amount of bricks you got, will make the cash you came off with look like chump change.” 
    “So, you expect us to just trust you and give you our stash and wait for you to come back and pay us our money?” Rain asked .
    “Hell, no.” Smitty gasped. “Never trust nobody, unless they family who is willing to give up their life for you as easily as they would do the same for you.”
    A bit more at eased by his presence; he spoke language they both could understand. 
    “You don’t know me from a hole in the wall, and I fully expect you not to trust me. Anybody I do business with is just that…. Business! And I only do square business which is why I’m still around today. I’ve done business with the worst of the worst killers, hustlers and straight up thieves. You got to know how to move around in a room

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