The Crimson Castle

The Crimson Castle by Samantha Holt

Book: The Crimson Castle by Samantha Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Holt
the soft light both flattering and concealing, creating a beautifully
distorted setting for the splendour.
    Evelyn sat to Tibald’s right and Gabriel sat to his left as the servants proffered the ewers in which
to wash their hands. The scent of fresh herbs hung in the air, the rushes
having been swept and replaced a few days beforehand. The courses were
exquisitely cooked, a sumptuous mix of cooked meats, fishes, jellies and
custards, all beautifully spiced, but Evelyn had little appetite while sharing
the lord’s platter, his quietly malignant manner creating a well of anxiety
within her. As the servants cleared away the remains, Evelyn breathed a sigh of
relief, quickly moving away from the table as the floor was cleared for dancing.
    Gabriel couldn’t help but steal a glance at Evelyn as she joined some
of the other women, who were conversing gaily. He watched with amusement as she
struggled to keep the look of boredom from her face.  Radiant in green
silk, she outshone every other woman in attendance, capturing his attention as
soon as he set eyes upon her. Her hair hung loose, curling just above the dip
of her back, a delicate gilded circlet setting off the gold of her hair.
    When she had locked eyes with him he had forgotten himself, sensations
fluttering through his gut, and then, at the sound of his master’s voice, he
had remembered the madness behind his fascination.  He was well aware of
his inconsistent attitude towards her, forever trying to retain a remote
manner, but he failed consistently, drawn in by the lure of her voice, her
smile, a fleeting touch.
    As he continued to watch her he knew without hesitation he was yet
again lost.
    Standing with a
gaggle of women, Evelyn attempted a look of interest but the tedium of the night
was steadily wearing thin. Her interest piqued, however, when she heard the
mention of Sir Gabriel’s name. An older woman, Lady Isabel, who seemed to be
the most interesting and outspoken of the group, turned to her.
    “Do you not think him handsome, Lady Evelyn? You are most fortunate to
be able to spend so much time in his company.”
    She looked to where he was stood, just behind Tibald ,
who was laughing raucously while surrounded by a group of noble men and
knights. In contrast to his master, but no different from usual, he was
scowling. He noticed her scrutiny and her eyes darted away, a blush creeping
into her cheeks at being caught. She conceded he was indeed one of the most
handsome men she had ever been acquainted with.
    Gabriel did not follow fashions and she suspected his slightly too long
hair and stubbled jaw were merely a look of
convenience, but they added to his distinct look, distinguishing him from his
companions. His strong profile and broad shoulders gave him the appearance of a
warrior and Evelyn knew very well that there was a body to match underneath his
    “I dare say he is,” she admitted to Isabel. “ ‘Tis just a shame he knows not how to smile,” she added with laugh.
    “Oh, I would put up with that scowl all day long to be bedded by him!”
    The group of ladies burst into giggles and Evelyn’s cheeks flamed even
further at the thought. Whilst these ladies were married and experienced in
these matters, Evelyn was completely out of her depth.
    A younger girl interjected, “ ‘Tis a surprise he
has not been snapped up sooner.”
    “Aye, but he has little fortune,” Isabel told her.
    “He has land surely?” Evelyn turned to Isabel.
    “Nay, the Merston lands were lost many years
ago. Lord Tibald holds them now.”
    “He does? But why?”
    “I know not, it happened when I was but a young girl.”
    They both turned to the subject of their conversation in contemplation,
his glower still as deep as ever. If Lord Tibald owned his lands then it certainly explained his unwavering loyalty and work
ethic. Mayhap he was working to gain back his lands? She understood the need to
preserve family lands, her heart desperately want to

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