The Grasshopper's Child

The Grasshopper's Child by Gwyneth Jones

Book: The Grasshopper's Child by Gwyneth Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwyneth Jones
at least she knew not to react to attention-seekers. Tattoo Face had the potential to be a pain in everybody’s backside, if she was encouraged.
    â€˜I see we have a couple of newcomers,’ added Tanya, with a big smile. ‘I know about you, Heidi. But I don’t know who you are, you in the brown jacket. Can you help me out?’
    â€˜I’m Clancy,’ said the hooded boy, very quietly. ‘Just passing through.’
    He sloped to the front, his head well down, and handed Tanya an envelope. She took out a piece of paper, looked at it, nodded, handed it back and made a note on her tablet.
    â€˜I see. Welcome to our sessions, Clancy. I hope you join us often.’
    â€˜I’m interested in Astrology and Astronomy,’ muttered Clancy, who’d sloped back to his comfy chair. ‘I’d like to use your internet services sometimes, if that’s okay.’
    â€˜No problem! You’ll have full use of the library whenever it’s open. I’ll get you and Heidi registered after this. Heidi, do you have special interests?’
    â€˜I’d like to know how to mend leaded windows. And how to pronounce Me-hil-hoc .’
    That got a laugh.
    Tanya gave a stack of paper hand-outs to the Munchkin-boy, who went round dishing them out, while she told the people who’d done their homework what they were going to tackle next in their Core Virtual Learning Subjects. The Munchkin passed over the plump boy in the white shirt, and Tanya stepped in to make sure he got his piece of paper. The plump boy then became very upset, very quickly. The group had to remind Miss that Cyril was scared of paper if he didn’t have his gloves on. You had to put stuff in a plastic wallet for him, or else straight into his briefcase, so he could take it home without touching it.
    When that was sorted out they all looked at the hand-out, which was about Sharing the Care: advance warning of a refresher-exam coming up, practical and written. Tanya then gave the Hooded Boy an Assigned Elder sheet, but Heidi didn’t get one.
    Clancy read the name and address of his Elder, and smiled faintly. No real danger. He read further. A chill went through him, and settled in his belly . . . Call it fate .
    â€˜Any new problems or insights to share, anybody?’ asked Tanya brightly.
    The muscular goon stuck up a hand.
    â€˜Me and my old dears, Miss. It’s not working. I have to swop with someone.’
    â€˜Jo, you’ve already asked me that. I’m afraid the answer’s still no. I realise this is a small community, not much changes and everyone knows everybody else, but the rules are the same. You can’t pick and choose the elders you’d like to support. That’s just totally unfair. Heidi? You have a question?’
    â€˜You haven’t assigned me an Elder, Tanya.’
    Immediately Heidi wished she’d kept her mouth shut. The whole group went silent, and pebble-eyes Tanya was giving her the full-on pity-smile. Everyone knew who Heidi Ryan was, obviously. Her dad’s been murdered, her mum’s in the bin, she’s Indentured to pay off her parents’ debts—
    â€˜You’re doing enough, Heidi. You won’t be asked to take on anything more.’
    â€˜Oh. I see. All right.’
    After the session Heidi and the Hooded Boy stayed behind to get registered, and issued with non-biometric passwords. The Hooded Boy got through it as quickly as possible. Heidi lingered, thinking of questions to ask about her new identity, how she could access her mail; and whether Tanya had been sent her learning records (she had).
    â€˜Heidi, I’m sure you’ve been told you’re entitled to time off for study? It might be hard to do academic work at the Garden House. If it’s er, a problem for you to get down here to the Centre, let me know and we’ll sort it out.’
    Heidi could not see herself writing essays and drawing graphs,

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