The Ivy Lessons

The Ivy Lessons by J Lerman

Book: The Ivy Lessons by J Lerman Read Free Book Online
Authors: J Lerman
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
image of the tall, broad silhouette with his hand raised.
    Tom picks up the paper. ‘I mean, this article makes out like he’s som e sort of pervert or something. It’s not exactly hard core, a little bit of spanking.’ He wiggles his eyebrows. ‘I’m sure you two girls have done much worse.’
    ‘Not me,’ I say. ‘I’m twenty two and haven’t done anything more than a double bed with the lights off.’
    ‘No!’ Tom laughs. ‘A lovely thing like you? It doesn’t seem right. You need to get out more.’
    ‘I know,’ I say. ‘But there was so much to do at home. Cleaning, looking after my dad and my little brother. And working. I didn’t have time for anything much.’
    ‘Hopefully you’ll meet some handsome young man here who shows you a great many variations,’ says Tom. ‘And if you can’t find a handsome one, I’m always willing to step in.’
    ‘You are handsome,’ I tell Tom. And I mean it. Okay, he’s a little overweight, but he has lovely green eyes, dark black hair and tanned skin, and his personality is as large as the cafeteria.
    Looking at the newspaper pictures makes me fe el strange. ‘It might not be Marc ,’ I say.
    ‘Maybe not,’ says Tanya. ‘But newspapers don’t often get it wrong. People sue.’
    It’s not that I have a problem with the picture exactly, it’s just ... I don’t know. It’s way out of my comfort zone. It’s none of my business, anyway. Why do I feel so ... unsettled?
    ‘So is she his girlfriend or something?’ I ask, feeling like a stupid, jealous schoolgirl.
    ‘He doesn’t have girlfriends, does he?’ says Tanya. ‘Isn’t that what Heat magazine and all that always say? Never for more than a few days or weeks. He’s photographed with a different woman every month, practically. All beautiful, sexy Hollywood types. But he never dates anyone for long.’
    ‘He’s only young,’ says Tom. ‘Too young to be a lecturer, really . I didn’t like all that discipline nonsense. I have a hard time following rules.’
    ‘What about you Soph?’ Tanya asks. ‘How did you feel about how strict he was? And having a performance so soon?’
    ‘I don’t know,’ I say. ‘I don’t know what to make of any of it.’

Chapter 15
    When the paper goes up on the notice board, it’s immediately surrounded by jostling students looking to see their names.
    I wait at the back , feeling nervous . Will my performance be today or tomorrow? It almost doesn’t matter. Whether it’s sooner or later, I just don’t know if I can perform this part, especially in such close proximity to such an amazing actor.
    Tom waits with me, but Tanya manages to squeeze through.
    I hear Cecile say, ‘Oh great ,’ and push through the crowds in a huff. When she reaches me she hisses, ‘ I have my own books to drop, you know. Don’t think you’ve won.’
    ‘I’m not trying to win anything,’ I say. ‘I really did drop my books by accident.’
    ‘Well, I’m going to be spending time alone with Marc in the theatre this afternoon, and I intend to make every second count.’ She storms off.
    I move closer to the board. ‘Oh shit, shit , shit.’ My name is right at the top of the list. I’m first. I’m performing at one o’clock today.
    Tanya appears beside me. ‘I was trying to find you,’ she said. ‘Sorry for the bad news. But at least you get it over with. Me and Tom are today too. Not long after you. What did Cecile just say?’
    ‘ Oh, she thinks I dropped my books on purpose this morning. I dropped my books and Marc, I mean, Mr Blackwell picked them up. But it was an accident.’
    ‘ She’s an i diot,’ Tanya snorts.
    ‘ I’m first , ’ I murmur to myself, blinking in disbelief. I look again, just in case I’ve misread it, but there I am. Sophia Rose . Right at the top. I’m seeing Marc in less than two hour s . ‘Oh shit . I’d better start practising. See you later.’
    I hurry back to my room, where the roses are perky and beautiful by the windo w.

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