The Object of His Protection

The Object of His Protection by Brenda Jackson

Book: The Object of His Protection by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
her traitorous body for responding to his words, his promise. She sighed deeply. He wouldn’t be making such promises if he had any idea just how limited her experience was.
    Instead of saying anything else to him she turned and went into her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
    Drey watched her departure and shook his head, refusing to give in to the lust that tried overtaking his mind and body whenever he was around Charlene. That wasn’t good, especially since she would be moving in with him. Like he’d told her, nothing would happen unless she issued an invitation and with her stubbornness, he couldn’t see that happening any time soon, which was fine with him since he needed to get his mind back on the investigation.
    That meant he needed to talk with his mother.
    Taking his cell phone out of his pocket, he punched in his mother’s business number. A few minutes later he hung up after being told she had left work early that day. He tried her cell number but she didn’t answer there either. He decided not to leave a message. Maybe he’d make it his business to drop by his mother’s home tomorrow so they could continue the discussion they’d started a few days ago. He wanted the whole story about Harmon and he intended to get it. He refused to let his mother evade him any longer.
    Flexing his muscles to ease away the frustration he felt, he walked over to the window and glanced out just in time to see a white Maxima slow up when it passed by Charlene’s condo. He stood and watched, making sure he wasn’t seen. His features hardened. Had Charlene’s boss put out the word on her already? The car momentarily came to a stop before moving on.
    “I’m through packing.”
    Charlene’s voice got his attention. He turned around and saw the overnight bag she held in her hand. “Am I to assume you were able to fit all your belongings in that?” he asked, pointing at her bag.
    “No, of course this isn’t everything. I’ll come back for the rest at some other time.”
    “No, you can’t.”
    Before she could gear up to give him the retort that would probably blaze his ears, he asked, “What kind of car does your boss have?”
    He could tell his question threw her for a loop.
    “I asked what kind of car your boss has.”
    Her brows arched as she considered his question. “A white Maxima. Why?”
    Drey glanced toward the window. “He just drove by. It’s my guess he needed to see if you heeded his warning or not, so it’s a good thing we came in my car.”
    He looked back at her. “Chances are he was probably concerned as to whether he would have to report to someone what you may or may not know and he was trying to avoid doing that.”
    He saw the tenseness that filled her eyes and knew it was time for her to realize just what kind of dangerous situation she was in. “I know you don’t want to leave here, Charlene, but I hope now you see that until I discover who’s behind those deaths that you’re not safe staying here.”
    She jutted out her chin. “But what if you never find those responsible? What if—”
    “What if you show a little confidence in my abilities?” he interrupted by saying in a harsh tone. “Now please go back in there and pack like you were supposed to be doing in the first place.”
    The silence as well as the tension in the room reached a monumental peak. Drey very seldom got angry, but Charlene was trying his patience big time. Between her and his mother he had been encountering more emotions in one week than in all the years since he was a teenager and his father had died.
    Her dark eyes blazed at him. “Fine. I’ll do as you’ve requested.”
    About time. Instead of saying what he felt or the scorching comment that was on the tip of his tongue, he nodded and then walked back over to the window, fully aware of the moment she left the room.

Chapter 6
    M umbling under her breath, Charlene began throwing things out of the drawers and onto her bed. Drey had a

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