The Price of Pleasure

The Price of Pleasure by Joanna Wylde

Book: The Price of Pleasure by Joanna Wylde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Wylde
lay high over her head. He started with her hands and worked his way down her arms to her shoulders. Then he reached her breasts, lavishing his full attention on each one until they were painfully tight, and her small red nipples felt as if they would burst. He dropped one slow kiss on each, then stood and walked once more to the end of the table.
    Calla all but whimpered in pain as he left her, then felt herself tighten in anticipation as his hands grasped her ankles. Pulling her legs slowly apart, Kail started carefully rubbing again, moving ever closer to the center of her pleasure. She could feel the moisture rushing to her cunt, her legs twitching under his touch. She wanted him to move faster, harder. She gave a little gasp, and Kail laughed then stepped away.
    “I think you’re ready now, sweetheart,” he said softly, and Dani giggled in the background. Kail held his hands out to her, pulling her up and off the couch. Calla simply stared at him, open-mouthed. He was aroused, she could see his stiff erection until his loin cloth, but he seemed completely disinterested in touching her.
    “It’s to get you ready for your customer,” Dani said, coming up behind her. “If we let Kail finish the job, it would defeat the purpose.”
    “That’s a dirty trick,” Calla muttered, her face growing flushed. She felt so embarrassed. She’d almost come on the table, yet for Kail this was simply business.
    “Don’t worry, darling,” Kail said, lifting her chin with one gentle finger. He smiled into her eyes. “It’s all right to enjoy the massage. And it’s all right to enjoy your client.
    You’re going to have a wonderful time tonight, you just need to let yourself go.”
    Calla nodded, mesmerized by his soothing voice, and Dani held her robe out. The rough fabric rubbed her nipples, and she gasped at the sensation.
    “Come along,” Dani said with a wicked smile. “Let’s get you some more wine and find you something to wear.”
    They walked slowly back to Dani’s dressing room. Every move felt fluid, surreal, to Calla. Was it the wine? The massage? She didn’t know, and she didn’t care, she realized with a start. She simply liked it.
    Dani spent the next hour and a half getting her ready. She created an artless, simple style for her hair, rubbed subtle creams and cosmetics on her face, and even gave her rouge for her nipples. Calla giggled at this, thinking Dani was joking at first. Dani just smiled and shook her head; her little Calla was a true innocent. She had no idea how wild Seth would be for her.
    The final touch was a barely-there dress made entirely of floating, semi-transparent scarves. It covered her completely, yet with every step she took her legs were outlined or exposed between layers. The peaks of her breasts were outlined as well, and as Calla stood looking at herself in the mirror she was stunned. It was as if Calla the slave girl had disappeared. In her place was Devora, a pleasure worker whose face was flushed with arousal and anticipation. She licked her lips, then looked at Dani for her reaction.
    “Oh, Seth will like that,” Dani whispered.
    “I’m ready for him,” Calla replied in a throaty voice. She took a final swig of wine, then set down her glass and turned to the door, tossing her hair and laughing with happiness. She felt like she was just about ready for anything.
    As they walked through the house toward the room Dani had reserved, Calla found it was getting harder and harder to stay focused on the task ahead of her. Each and every man she saw as she walked through the House of Lilies looked good enough to eat.
    “I think you drank a little too much,” Dani said with a wicked laugh, guiding Calla along a gallery that looked over the main performance area. Along the way were entrances to the small rooms used to entertain clients. Dani had introduced her to the other Guild workers as her cousin Devora, and explained she was setting up a private contract. The women had

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