The Prince's Intimate Abduction (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 2)

The Prince's Intimate Abduction (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 2) by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: The Prince's Intimate Abduction (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 2) by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
was willing to take care of a goat, but he still was puzzled.  “Sam?  A guy?”
    Raven had turned away, trying to get her mind back in focus.  But she heard and understood the question.  “Yeah.  Well, he’s really a she.  I’d originally named him Samantha because she was so sweet and followed me around.  She really was cute.  But then she grew up and started eating everything around, including the neighbor’s plants.  So they all helped me build a fence to lock her in at night.” 
    He waited, sensing that there was more to the story.  “And?” he prompted when she looked like she was just going to stop there. 
    She sighed.  “Well, she kept sneaking out at night and,” she shrugged her shoulders, “I sort of got mad one day and declared him a guy because he was so irritating.”
    Turk stared at her for a long moment before he threw his head back and laughed.  It hurt his side from the effort, but he couldn’t stop the laughter.  She looked adorable, telling him that she’d decided that a goat was male simply because he annoyed her. 
    “Well, that sort of explains a lot,” he said and took her hands in his, pulling her back.  This time, though, he only kissed her lightly and backed away.  “Okay, so what’s for dinner tonight?  I’m cooking.”
    Raven looked up and down the man’s strong, tall body.  “You know how to cook?”
    He lifted a dark eyebrow right back at her.  “I know how to heat up food in a pot, which is exactly what you’ve been doing for me, isn’t it?”
    She laughed at his challenge.  “Okay, valid point.  You can cook dinner.  And the choices for tonight’s dining experience are in the cabinet over the stove.  Just choose whatever you like.” 
    He started to step away, heading for the kitchen and she realized that he was walking without any hesitation.  “You’re really okay, aren’t you?” she asked, a terrified knot forming in her stomach. 
    He turned back to her and nodded.  “Yeah, I’m okay,” and he disappeared. 
    That made her feel horrible because it meant only one thing.  Either he was going to get out of the clinic under his own steam or the other men were going to retrieve their prisoner. 
    Neither option was good! 

Chapter 6
    “Turk!” Raven whispered into the darkness.
    Turk was immediately awake.  “What’s wrong?” he demanded, sitting up despite the pain in his side.  It wasn’t nearly as intense as it had been the previous few days.
    Raven covered his mouth with her hand.  “They’re here,” she told him.  “I have to get you out of here.”
    Turk grunted but he was already swinging his legs over the side of the cot before she’d even finished her statement.  “Let’s go,” he told her, standing up completely on his own. 
    “You don’t have any shoes!” she complained.  But she was moving with him, trying to support his weight even though he seemed to be moving on his own steam anyway, and without any problems this time. Right now, her only priority was to get him out of here so that the men with the big guns, horrendous body odor and bad teeth wouldn’t hurt him. 
    “This way,” she told him and led him out the side door instead of the front or back.
    She led him through the ragged trees and the low-growing brush to a rough pathway that was barely even visible any longer.  “I have a car back here.  I’ll get you out of the village.”
    Turk pulled her hand, heading in the opposite direction.  “No.  Can’t start a car engine.  They’ll be after us and I’m guessing their vehicles will be more powerful than yours.  Follow me,” he told her. 
    Raven couldn’t believe what he was telling her.  “I’m not leaving the clinic,” she argued, starting to pull back. 
    Turk shook his head, then stopped for a moment to look down into her eyes.  He couldn’t see the color with only the moonlight, but he could sense her fear.  “Raven, those guys are not fooling around. 

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