Book: THE SHADOWED ONYX: A DIAMOND ESTATES NOVEL by Nicole O'Dell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole O'Dell
done that to her in her own house?
    Joy stood on Melanie’s porch. Her hand dangled like an anchor at her hip
    What would Melanie say? What excuse could there be for what she’d done? Oh, she’d come up with something slick—she’d had plenty of time to concoct a great story since she bolted as soon as it happened. To kiss your best friend’s boyfriend and then say nothing? Of course she was embarrassed, but that was no excuse for fleeing the scene of the crime. A drive-by heartbreak
    Austin had stuck around at least long enough to beg for mercy. He had no excuse for what he’d done, but strangely, Joy was numb to him. The blinders had fallen off in an instant, and Joy saw him for who he was. A cheater. A liar. It only took her a year of dating and a decade of friendship to figure it out
    But, Melanie? That was different. A girl should always be able to expect more from her best friend than her boyfriend. Especially a lifelong sister-friend like Melanie. Those once-in-a-lifetime friends were supposed to bring healing when other people hurt, not heap on the pain. Joy was mad at Austin, but she was grieving for Melanie. She and Austin were through, but she and Melanie would have to find a way past this. To get back to the way it was. It would be difficult, but Joy would manage to forgive Melanie. Somehow
    Well, she’d wasted enough time. No point in pressing the buzzer. No one had come for the kids. She’d have to walk in just as she’d been doing for most of her life, no matter how grave the situation. It seemed too familiar to just walk in after what happened, but it was the only way
    Joy drew a deep breath. Was Melanie avoiding her? Or maybe she had her headphones on with music blaring and had no idea anyone had rung her doorbell. Joy stooped and fished under the porch mat for the front door key where it had been hidden for years. Stealthy. Mrs. Phillips could be CIA
    Joy fumbled to shove the key into the lock and turned the knob only to find the door opened easily. She stepped inside, listening for signs of life in the house. Television? Music? Conversation? But there was nothing. At least nothing she could hear right off. Joy kicked her shoes onto the mat beside the door
    Walking past the green-and-gold brocade sofa, Joy let her fingernails trickle across the back of the only piece of furniture in the formal family room. Mrs. Phillips always joked that she and Melanie’s dad had fought over who had to keep that sofa in the divorce. She lost
    Would Mel and Joy be able to laugh about something today? This week? Would it take a month? The closer the time drew to when she’d lay eyes on Melanie, the more confident Joy was that she’d forgive her. They’d only been divided by the chasm of betrayal for a couple of hours, yet Joy already missed her
    Footsteps soft on the carpeted hallway, Joy tiptoed to the kitchen. So quiet. No pop can on the counter, no Hot Pocket crumbs leading from the microwave. The first day since Joy could remember that Melanie hadn’t eaten a ham-n-cheese Hot Pocket after school. Wow, she really must be taking this hard. Joy did a three-sixty. No cell phone on the countertop, no backpack on the floor. Melanie always left a trail as she shed her items and extra clothing on her way through the house
    Mel must not be home after all. Where could she be? Joy’s stomach sank. Austin’s? She wouldn’t do that…. She couldn’t. But then again, Joy had discovered that very day Melanie was quite capable of many things Joy had never thought possible. Should she go to Austin’s to find out? If she didn’t find Melanie in the house, she’d have to know. What if she did find her there? Joy would have to figure that out when, or if, it happened
    Joy peeked down the hall to Melanie’s bedroom. The closed door and absence of light and sound made it highly unlikely that Mel was back there. But at least Joy would find out for sure before she tucked her tail between her legs and

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