The Werewolf Whisperer

The Werewolf Whisperer by H. T. Night

Book: The Werewolf Whisperer by H. T. Night Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. T. Night
My body ached all over. I had put my body through the ringer tonight. Although I was in immense pain, my adrenalin was still off the charts.  I felt like I had just drunk ten Red Bulls.
    I wiped off the dirt and hay, cracked my neck, and walked out of the barn. The cold morning air hit my face.  The sun would be up shortly.  I walked across the grassy field and headed to Lena’s trailer park.
    I felt like a superhero as I exited the park and went across the street.  Cars passed me and I had for the first time the feeling of immortality.  I felt nothing could ultimately hurt me.  It felt insanely great.
    I wasn’t even sure if Lena was home.  Lena’s parents were home and that changed everything.  I went to the side of the house and tapped the window to her bedroom.  After just one tap, the lights in her room came on.  Lena pulled back the curtain and I saw her face.  She looked concerned and very beautiful.  
    She opened the window just enough to be heard, “Josiah,” she whispered, “Are you okay?”
    “I’m more than okay,” I said, louder than I planned to.
    “Shhhh, you’ll wake up creepazoid.”  She opened the window more.
    “Screw him.  Let’s get out of here!” I whispered back.
    Lena looked behind me.  “Where’s your car?”
    “I’m not going to need that anymore.”
    Lena looked at me puzzled.
    “Get some clothes together,” I said, “Let’s get out of here.”
    Lena had a spark in her eye. “Really?”
    “Of course, really.  You don’t need to live here anymore. I have plenty of room, you can stay with me.”
    Lena’s face looked like a child’s on Christmas morning. “Hold on!”  She left for a moment and came back.  She already had a suitcase packed with clothes in her arms and handed it to me through the window.
    All of a sudden, I heard a deep voice, “Who the hell are you talking to little woman?  Lena quickly jumped out the window and fell into my arms. We swiftly hid behind the trailer.  We could hear Lena’s step-dad in her room. He was walking around.  “That little whore snuck out again!” he said in a loud voice.  He turned off the light.
    I looked at Lena and I couldn’t help but have the biggest smile on my face.
    She could see the excitement in my eyes. “What the hell happened tonight?  Did you fight?”
    “Yes.”  I must have had a lot of scrapes and bruises.
    “Did you win?”
    “Yes and no,” I said.
    “Well, you’re alive.  That’s the only thing that matters.” Lena looked at the back of my head. “Josiah your head is cracked open.  Do you feel alright?”
    Goliath apparently had done a number to the back of my head. “Let’s get out of here. We need to take care of that.”
    “Okay, I said.  Put your arms around my neck.”
    “Why?” Lena looked at me curiously.
    “Just do it.” I said.  Lena wrapped her arms around my neck.  “Hold on tight,” I raised my arms as if I was a superhero preparing to fly.
    “What the heck are you doing?” Lena gasped.  I raised my arms again this time with some oomph. I had a small problem. Nothing was happening.  Lena looked at me as if I had lost my mind. 
    “Uh… Josiah.  What are you doing?”
    “Hold on,” I said. “Watch!” I raised my arms again, this time I made a fist as if that would help.  Again, nothing happened.
    “What are you trying to do?” Lena asked laughing.
    “I’m trying to fly.” I stammered.
    “Well,” Lena said sweetly. “You’ll need to transition to do that.” Then we heard someone open the front door. “Transition, Josiah!”  Lena immediately transitioned into a red hawk.
    Dammit!  I wanted to show her I could fly!  Why couldn’t I fly?
    Lena flew away leaving her suitcase behind.  I could hear Lena’s step-dad getting closer.  I transitioned to ‘the eagle.’ I grabbed the suitcase in my beak and flew out of the area like a speeding bullet. Y eah, now I was the super hero.

Chapter Six

    We both had landed in my front

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