This Changes Everything

This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein

Book: This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naomi Klein
all-star cast of scientific experts including: Kevin Anderson (Tyndall Centrefor Climate Change Research), Alice Bows-Larkin (Tyndall Centre), James Hansen (Columbia University), Peter Gleick (Pacific Institute), and Sivan Kartha (Stockholm Environment Institute), all of whom vetted large sections of the book for accuracy. Michael E. Mann (Penn State University) and Olivia Serdeczny (Climate Analytics) also looked over the projections of a 4-degree world and providedhelpful feedback. As a nonscientist, having this team of experts vet the accuracy of this material was critical; all political conclusions drawn from those scientific findings are mine alone and in no way reflect on these generous readers.
    When Bill McKibben asked me to join the board of in 2011, I had no idea what a wild ride it would be. Through the Keystone XL campaign and the kickoffof the fossil fuel divestment movement, working with’s brilliant team—particularly its imaginative executive director May Boeve—has given me a front row seat to the fast changing climate justice movement partially documented in these pages. Bill, you are one of the world’s truly great people, a rock of a friend, and you wrote most of this years ago. I love being in this fight with you.All views expressed here are my own and have nothing to do with as an organization.
    Other experts in their respective fields who agreed to review sections of this book for accuracy include Riley Dunlap, Aaron M. McCright, Robert Brulle, Steven Shrybman, Oscar Reyes, Larry Lohmann, Patrick Bond, Tadzio Mueller, and Tom Kruse. I am most grateful to all of them.
    My dear friends Kyo Maclear,Eve Ensler, Betsy Reed, and Johann Hari all read portions of the book and shared their great skills as writers and editors. Johann, in fact, provided some of the most transformative editorial advice I received, and I am forever in his debt. This unofficial, backroom publishing team supported me in countless ways, from helping me come up with the right title to endless conversations about thebook’s themes.
    My parents, Bonnie and Michael Klein, also provided helpful feedback,and my father, who has spent a lifetime researching the risks of obstetrical interventions and advocating for women’s health, acted as a laughably overqualified research assistant in my investigations into the medical risks of fertility treatments. I am particularly grateful to my brother Seth Klein for his carefuland detailed edit, and to all of his colleagues at the B.C. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives for their groundbreaking work on climate justice.
    My husband, Avi Lewis, is always my first reader and primary collaborator. On this project we made it official: as I have been writing this book, Avi has been directing a documentary film on the same subject, a parallel process that often allowedus to research and travel together. The film work also fed into the book and though the film credits will do the real job of thanking the people involved, these acknowledgments would not be complete without some of our film collaborators, including: Joslyn Barnes, Katie McKenna, Anadil Hossain, Mary Lampson, Shane Hofeldt, Mark Ellam, Daniel Hewett, Chris Miller, Nicolas Jolliet, Martin Lukacs,Michael Premo, Alex Kelly, Daphne Wysham, Jacqueline Soohen, as well as Ellen Dorsey, Tom Kruse, Cara Mertes, and Amy Rao for their tremendous support from the earliest days.
    People we met and worked with in the field shaped this work in many ways, including Theodoros Karyotis, Apostolis Fotiadis, Laura Gottesdiener, Crystal Lameman, Alexis Bonogofsky, Mike Scott, Nastaran Mohit and Sofia GallisáMuriente, Wes Jackson, Phillip Whiteman Jr. and Lynette Two Bulls, David Hollander, and Charles Kovach, among many more.
    Others who shared their expertise above and beyond include Soren Ambrose, Dan Apfel, Tom Athanasiou, Amy Bach, Diana Bronson, John Cavanagh, Stan Cox, Brendan DeMelle, Almuth Ernsting, Joss Garman, Justin Guay,

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