Tiddly Jinx
and position. You know what? I think I know a couple people who would be perfect for helping you. If you don’t mind some human assistants.”
    “That would be fine.”
    “Great, follow me.” I asked one of the guards where the coven was and he directed me to the archive. They were still scattered around the archive room much in the same way they had been the night before. Devin was lying on a couch with her feet resting on the arm and hair spilling out in every direction behind her, reading a book. She was wearing a white peasant top that she probably made and a skirt that was a mix of denim and dark purple tulle. Leslie was at the desk in a black top and matching turquoise shorts and necklace, hunched over a pile of books and taking notes, her blonde hair in a ponytail. Katrina was lying on the floor in front of the fireplace wearing black and gray and flipping through a fashion magazine while giving Jessica commentary.
    “Look at those pants! If I had those I could bust out my crimping tool. Cray-cray.”
    Jessica sat with her legs crossed in front of her, filing her fingernails. “You should get a tramp stamp, that’s classier.” She tucked a piece of red hair behind her ear.
    “What are you guys still doing in here?” They looked at me in unison.
    “You look pretty good for a formerly dead girl,” said Katrina. She tossed her magazine to the side and flashed me a smile. “Where have you been all day?”
    “Yeah, like we’ve been hanging out all day waiting to see you,” Jessica said.
    Devin sat up. “Better yet, you have to tell us about the underworld. I mean that’s crazy.”
    Leslie tilted her head to the side. Shivers ran down my spine as she read my aura. “I think Selene still has things going on. What’s happened? Who’s that?”
    “Girls, this is Alana. She’s my wedding planner. Alana, this is Devin, Jessica, Leslie, and Katrina.”
    Alana smiled and nodded at each of them. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”
    “Leslie was right. There are things going on that I need to take care of, so I have a big favor to ask. Could you guys help Alana plan the wedding so I can focus on what I need to do?”
    Devin clasped her hands in front of her. “Yes. Absolutely! I already have a Pinterest board dedicated to it, in fact. Have you been on Pinterest, Alana?” She grabbed her wrist and dragged the sedate elf over to the couch and flipped open her laptop. “How do you feel about spray tans?”
    Leslie headed in the same direction, but stopped near me and placed a hand on my arm. “You would tell us if you needed help with anything else, right?”
    I smiled. “Of course. Right now, this is the biggest help to me. I can’t have one more thing on my plate or I will lose my mind.”
    She nodded. “Consider it taken care of. Get some rest.”
    “Thank you guys so much. I really do appreciate it. Come to dinner tonight. Cheney’s half-sister Lily is coming.”
    Jessica pursed her lips. “We’ve met.”
    “Did something happen?” I asked.
    Katrina shoved her. “It’s fine. Jess just hates losing.”
    I glanced at my wrist though I didn’t wear a watch. I shook my head. “I think dinner’s at eight.”
    “Go! Get out of here, we have this covered.” Devin waved me away.
    I left the room with a chuckle and pulled out my cell phone. My finger hesitated over Holden’s name for just a second before I hit call.
    “What?” he answered.
    “Uh. Hi.” It always threw me off talking to Holden. He didn’t bother with pleasantries. “It’s Selene.” I was met with silence. “Are you still there?” I glanced at my phone to make sure it didn’t disconnect.
    “I don’t have all day. What do you want?” he finally growled.
    Yeah, I probably should have called Olivia. Right. Get to the point. “Um, things are happening, I might turn evil. If that happens, will you kill me?”
    He sighed. “Today?”
    “No, not today. I’m just trying to get everything prepared so it is all taken care of

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